2 Responder Safety Sergeant Jim Epperson California Highway Patrol
3 Huge Impact ¯ 20% to 25% of fire fighter fatalities are vehicle-related. This is the 2 nd leading cause of fire fighter deaths. ¯ In 2005, 27% of law enforcement deaths were traffic related. This was also the 2 nd leading cause of death.
4 Reduce Exposure Time at the Scene!
5 Roles and Responsibilities ¯ Freeway incidents rarely involve the response of one single agency. ¯ Each response agency has a specific task in an incident.
6 What are Secondary Incidents? ¯ Accident or incident which occurs as a result of the initial ¯ Collisions which occur in the back-up ¯ Traffic congestion on non-related highways and surface streets ¯ Injury to responders by inattentive or impaired drivers ¯ Inability for other responders to arrive at the incident due to congestion
7 Scene Safety ¯ Establish and Prioritize Objectives ¯ Agencies Responsibilities and Needs
8 Arrival ¯ Scene Assessment ¯ Emergency Lights
9 Parking
10 Initial Scene Management ¯ Fire Department ¯ Fire Captain ¯ Chief Officer
11 Initial Scene Management ¯ Ambulance ⋗ Works for the IC ⋗ Extrication, Treatment or Transportation Group Supervisor ¯ If paramedic, their advanced life support skills are under the direction of their base hospital and local protocols
12 Specific Agency Needs ¯ Specific incidents ⋗ Haz Mat ⋗ Vehicle Fire ⋗ Crime Scenes
13 Thank You Contact Information Enforcement Services Division Commercial Vehicle Section Sgt. Jim Epperson (916)