Body Regulation Nervous and Endocrine Systems
The _______________ and _____________________ systems interact to control and coordinate the body’s _________________ to changes In the environment, as well as to regulate ________________, ___________________, and reproduction. ___________________ are chemicals from glands that affect other body parts. nervousendocrine responses growth developmentHormones I. The Nervous System – a network of _________________ (nerve cells) which carry messages between the _________________ and the __________. neurons brainbody A. Neurons are made up of parts called 1. Dendrites – branches of a neuron which ________________ messages (_______________) and send them to the cell body. receive impulses 2. Axons – branches of a neuron which ____________ messages (_________________) _________ from the cell body. carry impulses away Dendrite Axon Cell body Nucleus Direction of impulse
3. Cell body – main part of the neuron which contains the ____________ and other cell organelles. nucleus B. Three types of neurons: 1. Sensory neurons – receive _____________________ and send _______________ to the ____________ __________ or ___________. Receptors in the sense organs respond to __________________ and Send impulses to the brain or spinal cord. information impulsesspinal cord stimuli 2. Interneurons – nerve cells throughout the ____________ and __________ ________ that relay impulses from ___________ neurons to motor neurons. brain spinal cord sensory 3. Motor neurons – conduct ___________ from the brain or spinal cord to _____________ or _____________ throughout the body. impulses musclesglands C. Neuron connections – The space between neurons is called a ______________ which impulses must jump across. The axon gives off a nerve transmitting _________________ (acetylcholine – C 7 H 17 NO 3 ) used to transmit the impulse across the __________________. synapse chemical synapse brain
D. Central Nervous System (CNS) – made up of the ________________ and ____________ ___________. The brain is made up of _______________________ (10 14 ) neurons. It is divided into ___ parts. brain spinal cord 100 billion 3 1. Cerebrum – divided into the _________ and __________ hemispheres. This part of the brain controls _____________, _______________, _________________, and the work of ______________ ___________. left right senses memory thoughtvoluntary muscles 2. Cerebellum – located under and behind the cerebrum. It ______________________voluntary muscles and maintains __________________ and _______________ _________. coordinates balancemuscle tone 3. Brainstem or ________________ - This part of the brain is responsible for _______________, _________________, ___________ ______________, and coordination of __________________ _____________ __________________. medulla heartbeatbreathing blood pressure involuntary muscle movement 4. The spinal cord is an extension of the _________ _______, made up of bundles of ________________ which carry impulses between the ______________ and the _______________. brain stem neurons brainbody
E. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) – made up of ____ pairs of cranial nerves and ____ pairs of spinal nerves which link the CNS to all parts of the body ______________ system – nerves that go to and from the skeletal muscles Somatic 2. ________________ system – nerves that control involuntary activities (things we don’t think about such as our ______________ _______________. Autonomic salivary glands F. Reflexes – These are _________________ and _________________ responses to _________________. They are controlled (in general) by your _____________ __________, NOT your _____________. involuntaryautomatic stimuli spinal cordbrain Example: Knee Reflex The nerve impulse is sent from the ____________ through the ____________ ___________ to the ____________ __________ back through the ____________ ___________ to the _____________ which ________________. knee sensory neuronsspinal cord motor neuronsmuscle contracts
G. Senses – Sensory organs in the body receive ______________________ and relay the information to the ____________________. stimuli brain 1. Sight – the ___________ respond to ______________. __________ (which see black and white) and ______________ (which detect color) in the retina are stimulated by light to send ______________ through the ___________ ____________ to the brain where it is interpreted as a __________________. eyeslight Rodscones impulsesoptic nerve picture Light travels (in order) through the __________________ (the clear window that protects the eye), through the ____________ which is a hole controlled by the _______(the colored part of the eye), through the ___________ which focuses the light, through the _________ _________, and is finally detected by the rods and cones on the ______________. cornea pupil iris lensvitreous humor retina
2. Hearing – the ______________ in the _________ picks up vibrations from sound waves and transmits them through ____ little bones (the ___________, _________, and ____________) to the snail-shaped _______________ where fluid vibrates, stimulating nerve endings which send the ______________ to the brain through the _____________ nerve. The _________________ ____________ are responsible for balance. The throat is connected to the middle ear by the ________________ ________. eardrumear 3 hammer anvil stirrup cochlea impulsesauditory semicircular canals Eustachian tubes 3. Smell – the _________ contains ________________ cells which are stimulated by gas _________________. They send impulses to the brain. noseolfactory molecules
4. Taste - __________ _______ on the tongue are receptors for taste of molecules dissolved in _______________. The four tastes are _______, ____________, ___________, and _______________. We can taste so many more than just 4 flavors because the senses of both ____________ and _____________ are interpreted together in the ______________. The nose and mouth are connected together in the back of the _____________. taste buds salivasour sweetsaltybitter taste smellbrain throat (pharynx) 5. Touch, pressure, pain, and temperature – Sensory receptors found throughout the _____________ organs as well as in the ____________. Why do we need these receptors in our organs? internalskin
II. The Endocrine System – the system of _____________ ____________ throughout the body. These glands secrete (give off) ________________ directly into the bloodstream. ductless glands hormones A. There are ____ endocrine glands.8 1. Pituitary – enables other glands to produce ______________, regulates _________ production, and regulates _____________. hormones milkgrowth 2. Thyroid – regulates _____________________ use which affect the ___________ level. carbohydrate energy 3. Parathyroid – regulates _________________.calcium 4. Thymus – regulates parts of the ______________ system.immune 5. Adrenal – regulates ____________ sugar and _________________.bloodmetabolism 6. Pancreas (Islets of Langerhan)– regulates ___________ __________ with the hormone_________________. Problems with this gland causes the disease known as _________________. blood sugar insulin diabetes 7. Ovaries – regulates production of ______ and development of ______ organs and characteristics in ________________. eggs sexfemales 8. Testes – regulate production of ___________ and development of _______ organs and characteristics in ___________. sperm sexmales From Biology: Principles and Explorations, Teaching Transparencies
B. Negative feedback system – A gland regulates how much it produces by using _____________________ signals to tell iot when to increase or decrease production of the __________________. This keeps the level of the hormone in the bloodstream at ________________________. chemical hormone homeostasis Review questions: 1. What do endocrine glands NOT have? _____________________ 2. What is a hormone produced by the pancreas? _______________ 3. What signals the gland to start secreting its hormone again? ______________________________________________________ 4. What happens to excess hormones in the bloodstream? _________ _______________________________________________________ 5. Which gland is involved with problems with calcium absorption? ______________________________ ducts insulin When the level of hormone drops in the bloodstream It is removed by the kidneys. parathyroid
Body Regulation Nervous and Endocrine Systems
The _______________ and _____________________ systems interact to control and coordinate the body’s _________________ to changes In the environment, as well as to regulate ________________, ___________________, and reproduction. ___________________ are chemicals from glands that affect other body parts. I. The Nervous System – a network of _________________ (nerve cells) which carry messages between the _________________ and the __________. A. Neurons are made up of parts called 1. Dendrites – branches of a neuron which ________________ messages (_______________) and send them to the cell body. 2. Axons – branches of a neuron which ____________ messages (_________________) _________ from the cell body. Dendrite Axon Cell body Nucleus Direction of impulse
3. Cell body – main part of the neuron which contains the ____________ and other cell organelles. B. Three types of neurons: 1. Sensory neurons – receive _____________________ and send _______________ to the ____________ __________ or ___________. Receptors in the sense organs respond to __________________ and Send impulses to the brain or spinal cord. 2. Interneurons – nerve cells throughout the ____________ and __________ ________ that relay impulses from ___________ neurons to motor neurons. 3. Motor neurons – conduct ___________ from the brain or spinal cord to _____________ or _____________ throughout the body. C. Neuron connections – The space between neurons is called a ______________ which impulses must jump across. The axon gives off a nerve transmitting _________________ (acetylcholine – C 7 H 17 NO 3 ) used to transmit the impulse across the __________________.
D. Central Nervous System (CNS) – made up of the ________________ and ____________ ___________. The brain is made up of _______________________ (10 14 ) neurons. It is divided into ___ parts. 1. Cerebrum – divided into the _________ and __________ hemispheres. This part of the brain controls _____________, _______________, _________________, and the work of ______________ ___________. 2. Cerebellum – located under and behind the cerebrum. It ______________________voluntary muscles and maintains __________________ and _______________ _________. 3. Brainstem or ________________ - This part of the brain is responsible for _______________, _________________, ___________ ______________, and coordination of __________________ _____________ __________________. 4. The spinal cord is an extension of the _________ _______, made up of bundles of ________________ which carry impulses between the ______________ and the _______________.
E. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) – made up of ____ pairs of cranial nerves and ____ pairs of spinal nerves which link the CNS to all parts of the body ______________ system – nerves that go to and from the skeletal muscles Somatic 2. ________________ system – nerves that control involuntary activities (things we don’t think about such as our ______________ _______________. Autonomic salivary glands F. Reflexes – These are _________________ and _________________ responses to _________________. They are controlled (in general) by your _____________ __________, NOT your _____________. involuntaryautomatic stimuli spinal cordbrain Example: Knee Reflex The nerve impulse is sent from the ____________ through the ____________ ___________ to the ____________ __________ back through the ____________ ___________ to the _____________ which ________________. knee sensory neuronsspinal cord motor neuronsmuscle contracts
G. Senses – Sensory organs in the body receive ______________________ and relay the information to the ____________________. 1. Sight – the ___________ respond to ______________. __________ (which see black and white) and ______________ (which detect color) in the retina are stimulated by light to send ______________ through the ___________ ____________ to the brain where it is interpreted as a __________________. Light travels (in order) through the __________________ (the clear window that protects the eye), through the ____________ which is a hole controlled by the _______(the colored part of the eye), through the ___________ which focuses the light, through the _________ _________, and is finally detected by the rods and cones on the ______________.
2. Hearing – the ______________ in the _________ picks up vibrations from sound waves and transmits them through ____ little bones (the ___________, _________, and ____________) to the snail-shaped _______________ where fluid vibrates, stimulating nerve endings which send the ______________ to the brain through the _____________ nerve. The _________________ ____________ are responsible for balance. The throat is connected to the middle ear by the ________________ ________. 3. Smell – the _________ contains ________________ cells which are stimulated by gas _________________. They send impulses to the brain.
4. Taste - __________ _______ on the tongue are receptors for taste of molecules dissolved in _______________. The four tastes are _______, ____________, ___________, and _______________. We can taste so many more than just 4 flavors because the senses of both ____________ and _____________ are interpreted together in the ______________. The nose and mouth are connected together in the back of the _____________. 5. Touch, pressure, pain, and temperature – Sensory receptors found throughout the _____________ organs as well as in the ____________. Why do we need these receptors in our organs?
II. The Endocrine System – the system of _____________ ____________ throughout the body. These glands secrete (give off) ________________ directly into the bloodstream. A. There are ____ endocrine glands. 1. Pituitary – enables other glands to produce ______________, regulates _________ production, and regulates _____________. 2. Thyroid – regulates _____________________ use which affect the ___________ level. 3. Parathyroid – regulates _________________. 4. Thymus – regulates parts of the ______________ system. 5. Adrenal – regulates ____________ sugar and _________________. 6. Pancreas (Islets of Langerhan)– regulates ___________ __________ with the hormone_________________. Problems with this gland causes the disease known as _________________. 7. Ovaries – regulates production of ______ and development of ______ organs and characteristics in ________________. 8. Testes – regulate production of ___________ and development of _______ organs and characteristics in ___________ From Biology: Principles and Explorations, Teaching Transparencies
B. Negative feedback system – A gland regulates how much it produces by using _____________________ signals to tell iot when to increase or decrease production of the __________________. This keeps the level of the hormone in the bloodstream at ________________________. Review questions: 1. What do endocrine glands NOT have? _____________________ 2. What is a hormone produced by the pancreas? _______________ 3. What signals the gland to start secreting its hormone again? ______________________________________________________ 4. What happens to excess hormones in the bloodstream? _________ _______________________________________________________ 5. Which gland is involved with problems with calcium absorption? ______________________________