My Phrases: Natural Conversation Turn computer speakers on while watching video.
6 Hi!
7 Not much. Looking for some good waves.
8 Totally!
9 Later!
10 I think we are in for some trouble! It looks like two surfers wanted the same wave!
11 Trying to surf the wave. It was mine! I’m going to stay out of it.
12 No way! I was ready to go. My position was better.
13 Let’s not argue!
14 OK!
15 Whoa! Crisis averted! That worked out!
16 My friends are natural at conversation. Huh?! They used, “My Phrases”, to talk to each other.
17 They get to “My Phrases” by hitting the “My Phrases” button. See if you can find it.
18 Way to go!
19 Cool!
20 The “My Phrases” popup has tabs so that you can use whole sentences to …
21 Talk to friends
22 Describe things
23 Say what you think
24 Argue
25 Say your wants and needs. Cool, huh?