1 Delivering Public Health Messages for Tenancy Sustainment Module 1: Public Health Priorities and the Local Health and Wellbeing Landscape
2 Objectives of this Module Knowledge of Public Health framework & priorities Understanding local health & social care structures.
3 Public Health Outcomes Framework
4 Public Health Outcomes Framework Vision: “To improve and protect the nation’s health & wellbeing, and improve the health of the poorest fastest” Outcome 1: Increased healthy life expectancy Outcome 2: Reduced differences in life expectancy between communities
5 Public Health Priorities Tackling obesity Smoking cessation Reducing harmful drinking Giving every child the best start in life Reducing dementia risk Reducing Tuberculosis (TB) Anxiety & depression Preventing accidents at home Promoting active lifestyles
7 Potential for Housing Contribution: Domain 1: Improving the wider determinants of health - Improvements against the wider factors that affect health & wellbeing & health inequalities Domain 2: Health improvement - People are helped to live healthy lifestyles, make healthy choices and reduce health inequalities Domain 4: Preventing premature mortality - Reduced numbers of people living with preventable ill health and dying prematurely, while reducing the gap between communities
8 Public Health Indicators: The Wider Determinants of Health Fuel poverty Social isolation Older People’s Perception of community safety
9 Public Health Indicators: Health Improvement Smoking cessation Self Harm Diet/excess weight Physical activity Diabetes Cancer screening Falls/injuries in people 65+
10 Public Health Indicators: Preventing Premature Mortality Early diagnosis and treatment Hospital readmissions within 30 days Preventable sight loss Hip fractures 65+ Reducing winter deaths Diagnosis rate – people with dementia
11 Local Health & Social Care Structure
12 Health & Social Care Quiz Name the health & social care bodies described
13 Local Health & Social Care Structure
15 Housing and Health Memorandum of Understanding Shared commitment to joint action and working across government, health, social care and housing sectors To deliver better health and wellbeing outcomes and to reduce health inequalities A shared action plan to deliver these aims Signatories include HCA, DoH, NHS England and PHE
16 Action Planning 3 things which have had most impact from this session? 3 actions to take back to your workplace? 3 things to help you put learning from this module into practice?