To know the main features of the cognitive approach To know and understand three models which seek to explain internal mental processes To be able to evaluate the cognitive approach
I can fit everything I know about the background of the cognitive approach onto the back of a postage stamp....
TASK: Use your post-it note to summarise the introduction to the cognitive approach! I can fit everything I know about the background of the cognitive approach onto the back of a postage stamp post-it note!....
1. What does the cognitive approach focus on primarily? 2. How is the cognitive approach different to behaviourism? 3. What type of methods does the cognitive approach use? 4. What is the name of a model used to explain the internal mental processes? 5. Why did the cognitive approach become prominent in the 50s? 6. What mental processes does the cognitive approach think are important?
SR Behaviourists aren’t interested in what happens in between S and R. They don’t think you need to know.
SRO Social Learning Theorists say that things take place within the organism that mediate between S and R. You do need to know about the person’s mental processes.
SRIP Cognitive psychologists extend this idea and say that our behaviour is determined by the way we process information taken in from our environment.
1. Takes in a shape. 2. Counts the vertices. 3. Adds one to this number. 4. Outputs a shape with the new number of vertices.
This may not be what is actually happening in the black box, but it allows us to account for how the box translates input into output. It is a useful model. 1. Takes in a shape. 2. Counts the vertices. 3. Adds one to this number. 4. Outputs a shape with the new number of vertices.
Our model allows us to predict how the information processor will behave. It is still not necessary for us to know what’s actually happening in the box. 1. Takes in a shape. 2. Counts the vertices. 3. Adds one to this number. 4. Outputs a shape with the new number of vertices.
Info from environment Behaviour Speech LTM WMPB
A model to explain the internal mental processes... Make a copy of this diagram in your notes underneath the heading above: Encoding of information from the environment Transformation of info using mental processes Output or behavioural response
This approach is regularly compared to a computer As individuals we encode information, store or transform information and provide an output or a behaviour
Alicia is playing badminton and hits the shuttlecock over to her partner: Alicia perceives the shuttlecock coming towards her right hand side (encoding) She decides to play a forehand shot (decision- making) Alicia hits the shuttlecock over the net (output)
Holly is playing a game of chess with her friend Dan. She sees Dan move his king one square forward. Holly considers her next chess move. She moves her queen one diagonal square places Dan in checkmate and wins the game.
The Computational Model – focuses on what is involved when the individual is processing information using simulations The Connectionist Model – uses a neural analogy, activated patterns represent learning
Can you think of any instances where the accuracy of a person’s memory is very important?
Strengths? Weaknesses? Without using the book think evaluate the cognitive approach. Is it better or worse in comparison to any of the other approaches in terms of the methods it uses or the assumptions it makes?
To know the main features of the cognitive approach To know and understand three models which seek to explain internal mental processes To be able to evaluate the cognitive approach