BIST BU BEI MIRJ.S.BACHBIST BU BEI MIRJ.S.BACH By: Anastasia SajbelBy: Anastasia Sajbel content/uploads/2011/06/tour_dates_2011_sebastia n-bach_ png.jpeg ommons/thumb/6/6a/Johann_Sebastian _Bach.jpg/220px- Johann_Sebastian_Bach.jpg
B ASIC SONG BACKGROUND Many people think it is composed by J.S. Bach because its part of his Anna Magdalena Notebook More likely composed by Gottfried Stölzel Anonymous text The melody was first performed in 1719 opera Baroque style
C OMPOSER BACKGROUND Bach lived Stölzel lived Bach from a musical German family composed many pieces for organ, harpsichord, orchestra, chamber music and for Lutheran church services. He composed in the baroque style
TEXT Bist du bei mir, geh ich mit freuden zum sterbenund zu meinerRuh, zum Sterben und zu meiner Ruh. Bist du bei mir, get ich mit Freden zum Sterber und Zu meiner Ruh, zum Sterberund zu meiner Ruh. Ach, wie vergügt wär so mein ende es drückten deine schönen Hände mir……. If you are with me, than I will go gladly unto my death and to my rest. Ah, what a pleasant end for me, if your dear hands be the last I see, closing shut my faithful eyes to rest! Rest and death are important words
M USICAL ANALYSIS for medium voice in a major key Occasional accidentals Its a not a sad part of melody even though it is dying with the Peron you love
W HY I LIKE THIS PIECE I like a moving 8 th note passages It song at many weddings I like it because it is in a happy key