Environmental Justice: Context Sensitive Planning Grant Program California Department of Transportation Division of Transportation Planning Office of Community Planning
Presentation Overview Environmental Justice Purpose of EJ Planning Grant Program Criteria for Grant Awards Grant Program Requirements Attributes of Successful Grant Proposals
Environmental Justice: General Overview Fair treatment of all races, cultures, and incomes. Fair distribution of environmental burdens and benefits across all impacted communities.
Environmental Justice: Barriers in Under-Served Communities Access to affordable transportation options, jobs, employment opportunities Air and noise pollution Later and more frequent transit service Pedestrian and bicycle safety Access to affordable housing Language Proficiency
Environmental Justice: Core Principles Invite the full and fair participation of all potentially affected stakeholders Minimize unfair negative impacts caused by transportation projects Fairly distribute the positive and negative impacts of transportation projects and policy decisions.
Purpose of EJ Planning Grant Program Promote the involvement of low-income and minority communities and Native American Tribal Governments in transportation planning projects statewide that –improve mobility and access to transit –support environmental justice principles; –stimulate economic development and support economic growth; –create opportunities for affordable housing; and –improve pedestrian & bicycle safety. Develop lasting partnerships between underserved communities, government agencies, and Tribal Governments.
Criteria for Grant Awards Project Description and Justification EJ Planning Grant Program Goals California Transportation Plan (CTP) Goals Public Participation Project Implementation and Management
Criteria for Grant Awards: Project Description and Justification Describe the project. –Define the project. –Describe the project area. –List the major project activities and deliverables. Identify the problems and deficiencies and how will the project address the problems and deficiencies.
Criteria for Grant Awards: Grant Program Goal Describe how the project addresses transportation and economic development issues in low-income, minority, Native American, and underserved urban and rural communities.
Criteria for Grant Awards: California Transportation Plan Goals Improve Mobility and Accessibility –Expanding the system and enhancing modal choices and connectivity to meet the State’s future transportation demands. Preserve the Transportation System –Maintaining, managing, and efficiently utilizing California’s existing transportation system.
Criteria for Grant Awards: California Transportation Plan Goals Support the Economy –Maintaining, managing, and enhancing the movement of goods and people to spur economic development and growth, job creation, and trade. Enhance Public Safety and Security –Ensuring the safety and security of people, goods, services, and information in all modes of transportation.
Criteria for Grant Awards: California Transportation Plan Goals Reflect Community Values –Finding transportation solutions that balance and integrate community values with transportation safety and performance, and encourage public involvement in transportation decisions. Enhance the Environment –Planning and providing transportation services while protecting our environment, wildlife, and historical and cultural assets.
Criteria for Grant Awards: Public Participation Identify the project stakeholders –Identify low-income and minority communities, Native American Tribal Governments, other under-represented groups, community-based organizations, and businesses. Describe the outreach methods –Focus on traditionally under-represented communities.
Criteria for Grant Awards: Project Implementation and Management Explain how the project carried forward to the next stage/phase. Describe how the project be managed. –What work is to be done? –Who is responsible for what tasks? –When the work is to be done?
Grant Program Requirements: General Requirements Contingent upon passage of the annual State budget, $3 million anticipated. Competitive grant program. Local contribution-minimum 10% match of requested grant amount. Up to 1/2 of local match amount may be in-kind contribution. Funds are only for planning-related activities Reimbursable program
Grant Program Requirements: Program Eligibility Applicants Regional Transportation Planning Agencies; Metropolitan Planning Organizations; Federally Recognized Tribal Governments; Cities; Counties; and Transit Agencies. Sub Applicants Universities and Community Colleges Community-Based Organizations Non-Profit Organizations Other Public Entities
Attributes of Successful Grant Proposals Applicant fully addresses the application questions and meets grant program requirements. Answers are clear and concise Project proposal addresses multiple California Transportation Planning goals. 3E’s – environment, economy, and equity Innovative outreach & public participation methods Sound project management – product oriented Project Implementation- How the project will be carried forward to the next stage
Additional Information For more information, please contact your District EJ grant Liaison listed in the application. You can also visit: –