The application in the organization Building up Company Culture Active Communication The active communication is the first step to build up Company Culture. Let’s set up easy communication channel. The application in the organization Opening an Employee’s mouth Opening an Employer's ears Communications
Building up Company Culture To make common feeling of crisis consciousness Sharing Information Success in Manage-ment Innovation 1 Suggestion Management direction to staff Suggesting & Sharing Company Vision 2 Open Management Encouraging Passion by touching staff mind Leader’s initiative 3
① To disclose management information to staff as much as possible Building up Company Culture 1 Information Share ① To disclose management information to staff as much as possible ② To make company staff understand the information in good will through proper education, and to make them support Management direction . ③ To make the Company members think & work as if they are the owner, based on common understanding of management direction.
Example - Starbucks Company Culture Provide a great work environment and treat each other with respect and dignity. Embrace diversity as an essential component in the way we do business. Apply the highest standards of excellence to the purchasing, roasting and fresh delivery of our coffee. Develop enthusiastically satisfied customers all of the time. Contribute positively to our communities and our environment. Recognize that profitability is essential to our future success.