Leadership and Management in the Presidency FDR Changed everything: Now what? Agenda ManagementLearning Setting TrumanEisenhowerKennedy
Harry Truman: Agenda Setting
Truman Approval Ratings Sources: Gallup, AP, WSJ.com research. From: Wall Street Journal.com: 31.html
FDR VPs John Nance Garner Henry Wallace
Advanced Industrial War Victory = Outproducing the enemy
Senate Committee to Investigate the National Defense Program: Truman Committee
Agenda Setting: Successful
Agenda Setting: Not so Successful
Agenda Setting: Art and Science Understanding trends Prediction Understanding impact of events Timing Salesmanship
Truman Agenda Setting US as a global power Fighting Communism –“Truman Doctrine” speech, March 1947speech, March 1947 –NSC-68NSC-68
Division of Europe
Soviet Atomic/Nuclear Weapons Soviet A-Bomb August 22, ard=EarthHistory&Number=32788&page=1&view=c ollapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1 Soviet H-Bomb November 22, 1953
1949: Chinese Communists win Civil War Mao Zedong announces the People’s republic of China now controls all of China, October 1949
Republican Anti-Communism 1950s Senator Joseph McCarthy
Korean War:
Dwight David Eisenhower: Management
Why Like Ike?
Moderate-Conservative Balance
Ike vs. Stevenson Adlai Stevenson1952 and 1956 elections From Atlas of US ElectionsAtlas of US Elections
Eisenhower Approval Ratings
Organizational Chart
Organization Theory Semi-independence Budget and Turf Battles Organizational Culture SOP
Coordination 1.Delegation 2.Interagency Process 3.Staff System
Delegation John Foster DullesGeorge Humphrey
Interagency Process Departments Cabinet Deputy Secretary level committee Under or Assistant Secretary level
JFK JFK Library JFK DNC speech 1 JFK DNC speech 2 JFK before Houston Ministerial Conf. Inaugural speech
Republican Nominee
Debates: Nixon’s Uneasy
JFK’s Relaxed
Bay of Pigs, April 1961
Dual Roles of Cabinet Officers President’s Key Adviser on an Issue Vs. Senior Official of a Department of Agency
Types of Presidential Advisers 1.Experts 2.Independent Politicians 3.Friends
JFK Advisers Robert KennedyMcGeorge Bundy Robert McNamara Attorney GeneralNat’l Security Adv. Sec Def FriendIndependentExpert
Bush 43 Advisers Friend IndependentExpert Condoleezza Colin PowellDonald Rumsfeld Nat’l Security AdvSec. of StateSec Def Sec. of State
Cuban Missile Crisis October 1962 JFK Missile Crisis speech
Dallas 11/22/1963
LBJ Taking the Oath of Office