The outline of the article 1.Robert Altman says Hollywood is to blame for the attacks of Altman believes that movie creates this atmosphere and teaches people how to do it. 3.the author thinks that the mass media result in more violent behavior in society. 4.He thinks the books ”Debt of Honor and X-files “The Lone Gunmen” cause this phenomenon 5.Altman’s movies has small scale of violence but others are different. He thinks that “murder is acceptable but mass is not”
6.a critic Roger Ebert -movie simply “reflect” the society but do not really “cause” violence 7.Neal Gabler-our lives through the filter of television and film movies are not reality, but “seem like” reality 8.Audience can not distinguish the emotional experience from reality. 9.movies not only “reflect” reality but” change” reality 10.Author-Hollywood has an indirect role in the attacks
11.American-dangerous, violent, corrupt people 12. Altman-support movies to be more character- driven and thought-provoking rather than big, mindless action 13. big, mindless action movies-make money character-driven and thought-provoking- not 14.American movie-not about an art, reality but money 15.think about