WASTEWATER RISK ABATEMENT PLAN W 2 RAP-ing up the risks municipal wastewater pose to the changing South African Environment WASTEWATER RISK ABATEMENT PLAN W 2 RAP-ing up the risks municipal wastewater pose to the changing South African Environment
South African Water Services Regulation Approaches Conventional Regulation Incentive-Based Regulation Targeted Risk- based Regulation Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Regulatory Performance Measurement (RPMS) *Regulatory Intercession Blue Drop Certification Green Drop Certification Benchmarking (Regulatory Comparative Analyses) *Offsetting / Trading W2RAP Processing Quaternary Catchment-based Risk Abatement * Untested
Water Services Risk- based Regulation 7-Dec-15File name5 Public Health Risk Environmental Risk Financial Risk Water Safety Planning Wastewater Risk Abatement Planning (W 2 RAP) Asset Management + Cost Reflective Tariff Management Improving Quality of Water Services through Risk Management Implementation
Progress of Joe Gcabi District Municipality 7-Dec-15File name6 2008; major diarrhoea outbreaks 2011; 2 Blue Drop Certifications Obtained 2011; Best Team performance in Blue Drop Audit Serious Improvement is required in Wastewater since the risk remains significant at a Green Drop score of 22%
Why SA needs a W2RAP process? Wastewater collection & treatment systems operate 24 hours, 7 days, 365 days of the year. These municipal assets operate in aggressive and corrosive environments, with aging infrastructure. The W 2 RAP process is to document risks and to establish control measures to mitigate/manage any operation or situation which will cause harm to public and environmental health. To mitigate potential risks = W 2 RAP as primary risk management tool W 2 RAP encompasses all steps in the wastewater value chain: production of sewage transport and treatment discharge or reuse of final effluent or sludge. To prevent the current situation where WSAs are being misled to believe that wastewater challenges can only be addressed by means of intensive capital investmentTo prevent the current situation where WSAs are being misled to believe that wastewater challenges can only be addressed by means of intensive capital investment
WHAT IS A W 2 RAP? There are many risk-based applications and multi-barrier approaches in world W 2 RAP is however the 1 st of its kind globally, SA’s own initiative Direct link between: Water Safety Plan (WHO initiative) = drinking water and W 2 RAP = wastewater Where ‘wastewater’ is one of the key risks on drinking water side The W 2 RAP shows the link to the Blue- and Green Drop regulatory programmes in South Africa. Therefore, it closes the gap between drinking water assurance and wastewater quality - BOTH critical elements of SA water security
WHAT IS A W 2 RAP? (2) The W 2 RAP is a process to manage overall risk at Critical Control Points (such as pumpstations, inlet works, disinfection of final effluent) or across the entire value chain of sanitation services. The risk assessment process assist municipalities to identify various types of risks (e.g. electricity interruptions, sludge dam wall rupture, breakdown in recycle pumps, lack of technical staff, funds, vandalism, etc), and to…. Formulate specific actions to be taken at different levels of the municipal business, namely: Environmental, Financial, Operational and Institutional...”
ROLL OUT OF W 2 RAP FOR RISK-BASED REGULATION Department of Water Affairs apply the W 2 RAP as a targeted regulatory tool to facilitate turnaround and continued improvement, based on risk- priorities – constant movement & measurement from higher risk to lower risk positions….. Two Catchment-based targeted initiatives to reduce risks: Berg River: why? Economic, health, public outcry, agriculture, business, academic’s pressure Hartbeespoort: why? Environment, public, down stream water users
Benefit: Municipalities use W 2 RAP as focused tool to prioritise scarce resources where risk is highest to public health, services, and environment It bridge communication and planning barriers between technical/engineering officials and financial staff Whilst providing political principals with relevant and current information and relevant/adequate PLANS to inform decision making Instilling Wastewater service management based on a sense of Responsibility; not only managing wastewater service with the objective of adhering to the minimum requirements. The quaternary Catchment based approach creates the opportunity for cross-pollination between municipalities working towards the same objective of improving water resource quality.
WAY FORWARD To expand the (Harties/Berg) Targeted Risk-based approach in other areas such as Zeerust (North West) and in Eastern Mpumalanga (Requests from Sector partners in these areas) Green Drop 2012 will require WSAs to present their W 2 RAPs and implementation proof thereof Strengthen regulation via combination of incentive- and risk-based regulation for maximum impact To further the endeavour to facilitate improvement in wastewater management by means of innovative regulatory options. Copies are available from WRC (hardcopy) and e-copy on THANKSTHANKS