Games for Collaborative Play with Real/Virtual Robots Walt Scacchi, Robert Nideffer, Alex Szeto, Yuzo Kanamoto, Craig Brown, and others University of California, Irvine
Collaborative science learning game (SLG) environment with animatronic dinosaurs at the Discovery Science Center –DinoQuest and DinoQuest Online Collaborative game world for semiconductor fabrication or nanotechnology design –FabLab training simulator for Intel IT Research Envisioning future virtual worlds for possible cultural and technological opportunities with virtual robots –Intel Research (w/ Linden Labs) New opportunities for R&D of game-based assistive robotics training simulators Overview
Mixed reality games with wireless sensor network and animatronics for informal science education for K-6 students
Semiconductor/nanotech fabrication training game (including robotic wafer carriers) FabLab Demo Reel
Envisioning collaborative virtual worlds with human or computer-controlled avatar bots (virtual robots) Virtual Life Demo Reel
Research opportunity areas for game-based robotics simulation and training environments Skill adaptive robotics learning games –Games that “adjust” the level of game-based robotics interaction strategies based on the user's skill level Assistive robotics awareness learning games –Games designed to help people rapidly learn how best to support a person with assistive robotics devices –Enables end-users and developers to experience role- playing opportunities with in-game non-player robotics characters in application situations that vary over time Massively multiplayer online robotics learning games (MMO-RLG) –Online virtual world that focuses on providing different support services and learning opportunities for all parties involved in facilitating use of supportive robotics applications.