Mission to Asia Minor and its repercussions (Acts 13:1-15:35) NT2 – Study 6
Outline of this study Barnabas and Saul: the first missionary journey (13:1-14:28) The Jerusalem Council (15:1-35)
Source: David Cook, Teaching Acts (Christian Focus)
The ‘door of faith for the Gentiles’ cracked by Phillip the evangelist (Ethiopian eunuch) and the apostle Peter (Cornelius’ household) and pushed further ajar by missionaries in Antioch, is now flung wide open by Saul and a variety of associates. Scott Spencer
Paul’s commission is a highly significant one but it is part of a larger whole: he participates in a mission that began BEFORE him and will end AFTER him p. 78, NT2 notes
1. Barnabas and Saul: the first missionary journey (13:1-14:28)
1. The 1st missionary journey (13:1-14:28) The call to mission (13:1-3) 9:15 -> Paul as the Lord’s “chosen instrument” 13:2 -> Set apart/called for a particular “work”
Who sent Paul and Barnabas – the Antioch church or the Holy Spirit Who sent Paul and Barnabas – the Antioch church or the Holy Spirit? What are some implications (cf. 14:26-27)?
1. The 1st missionary journey (13:1-14:28) Evangelism in Cyprus (13:4-12) Home of Barnabas! Opposed by Jewish false prophet Bar-Jesus (a.k.a. Elymas). Conversion of Sergius Paulus, the proconsul.
1. The 1st missionary journey (13:1-14:28) Evangelism in Pisidian Antioch (13:13-52) John Mark backs out in Antioch. Showcases Paul’s message to Jewish diaspora + typical pattern of responses: general Jewish rejection -> turning to Gentiles -> moving on because of Jewish persecution.
1. The 1st missionary journey (13:1-14:28) Evangelism in Pisidian Antioch – cont’d Paul’s preaching to Jews: Israel’s history (Moses – David) John’s testimony + Jesus’ death & resurrection OT Gospels BELIEVE IN JESUS
1. The 1st missionary journey (13:1-14:28) Evangelism in Pisidian Antioch – cont’d Jewish opposition triggered by Gentile interest! But Paul saw as fulfilment of task of “the Servant of the Lord” (13:47; cf. Isaiah 49:6) JEALOUSY THEOLOGY
1. The 1st missionary journey (13:1-14:28) Conflict in Iconium (14:1-7) “as usual” (14:1) => typical pattern! Opposition … does it mean STAY or LEAVE?
1. The 1st missionary journey (13:1-14:28) Evangelism of heathen in Lystra (14:8-20) No synagogue => No OT quote! Amazing turnaround of response => Paul stoned!
1. The 1st missionary journey (13:1-14:28) The return trip (14:21-28) ‘strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith’ (v22) ‘reported all that God had done … how he had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles’ (v27)
In this urban age where cities are comprised of “nations”, is there still a need for churches to engage in overseas mission?
2. The Jerusalem Council (15:1-35)
2. The Jerusalem Council (15:1-35) The problem (15:1-5) -> i.e. to be a real Christian, Gentiles must become Jews first! ‘Unless you are circumcised, according to the custom taught by Moses, you cannot be saved.’ (15:1)
2. The Jerusalem Council (15:1-35) The problem (15:1-5) – cont’d What’s at stake according to Paul: ‘… some false brothers had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves. We did not give in to them for a moment, so that the truth of the gospel might remain with you.’ Galatians 2:4-5
2. The Jerusalem Council (15:1-35) The problem (15:1-5) – cont’d What’s at stake according to Paul: Gospel = salvation through faith alone in Christ alone? OR faith in Christ + EXTRAs (circumcision and obedience to ‘the law of Moses’)?
2. The Jerusalem Council (15:1-35) The debate (15:6-11) Peter’s speech REMEMBER Cornelius! NO DIFFERENCE Jews or Gentiles Impose Law = TESTING GOD? All saved by GRACE
2. The Jerusalem Council (15:1-35) The decision (15:12-21) Evidence from Barnabas & Paul + Peter’s testimony OT prophecy (Amos 9:11-12) => James: “we should not make it difficult for Gentiles who are turning to God” (15:19)
2. The Jerusalem Council (15:1-35) The decision (15:12-21) – cont’d But refrain from practices that obstruct fellowship (cf. Lev 17-19, incl. 18:6-18) “a courteous and temporary concession to Jewish consciences, once circumcision had been declared unnecessary” John Stott
2. The Jerusalem Council (15:1-35) The result (15:22-35) Decision circulated + gospel integrity upheld Ministry to Gentiles validated + circumcision party repudiated though tension will still continue! (cf. Paul trial in Jerusalem in chs 21-22) note how Paul exercises “freedom” (16:3)!!
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