Statutory Returns England Jim Haywood Product Manager for Statutory Returns Version 0.9
Content AreaAspect School Census Autumn 2013Lessons Learnt School Workforce Census 2013Latest News School Census Spring 2014 Autumn Release 2013 CTF 13 Autumn Release 2013 Pupil Premium Autumn Release 2013 Disadvantaged Pupil Identifier Vision School Census Autumn 2014 Post 16 Learning Aims Unique Learner Number Request via CTF
School Census Autumn Latest News
School Census Autumn Lesson Learnt School Census in General: Procedures to be updated so that bugs are not repeated, even if we don’t have to take action in the first instance Improve UAT workshops and our support of dry runs, so we have earlier warning of: differences between DfE COLLECT and DfE school validation issues that will not be found by general testing
School Census Autumn Lesson Learnt School Census in General: Take more ownership of the DfE Summary Report: Ensure that we understand how the DfE is calculating summary totals Ensure that we can explain the difference between totals in the DfE Summary Report and totals in the SIMS Detail Reports
School Census Autumn Lesson Learnt School Census Autumn: Help schools to avoid Learning Aim end dates in September as well as August Make more use of Duration for deciding Planned End Dates Give schools control of overwriting of Course Manager end dates with previous Autumn Census end dates
School Census Autumn Lesson Learnt School Census Autumn: Give schools control over whether QWS or AO is the source for QAN/Discount Codes for “Completed” Learning Aims - we may need DfE permission for this Provide bulk update facilities where schools have opted for editing information in the Learning Aims panel of the School Census, while ensuring that school understanding that it is better to update the source data if at all possible
School Census Autumn 2013: Latest News News Feed SupportNet Resource
School Workforce Census Latest News
Latest News: We expect calculation of teacher pay to be the biggest issue for this year’s Census We need to help schools to decide if they are going to use Allowance flags to modify Basic Pay or adjust the amounts directly in the Census
School Workforce Census 2013: Latest News News Feed SupportNet Resource
School Census Spring 14 - Autumn Release 13
School Census Spring 2014: School Phase Pupil Referral Unit PRU (Pupil Referral Unit) Census has been dropped PRU is now included in School Census as a School Phase (PR) This means that the several items will be included in School Census for the first time, but only where the School Phase is PR or deemed to be PR, e.g. Teenage Mothers Time in Unit Provider Status 13
School Census Spring 2014: School Phase All Though All Through included as a School Phase (AT) SIMS menu routes have been adjusted so schools with Phase AT have access to both Primary and Secondary functionality Schools that move from Phase SS (Secondary School) to Phase AT will notice changes to School Census Spring in several areas, e.g. Class Type Infant Admissions Class/Reg Group Information 14
School Census Spring 2014: New Items Top-up Funding Indicator Those pupils on roll on Census Day for whom a school receives top-up funding from the local authority or in the case of a PRU another school. Top-up funding is supplied by local authorities from their high needs budget directly, or in the case of PRUs through other schools, to meet the additional costs of support for individual pupils. This data item will be used for post-16 funding allocation purposes, to inform the development of the high needs funding system in the future, to monitor changes in high-cost pupil numbers over time and for estimating future costs and allocations. 15
School Census Spring 2014: New Items Top-up Funding Indicator Schools will only need this information for Census purposes, so we have catered for it via Statutory Returns Tools 16 Graphic to be updated
School Census Spring 2014: New Items Adopted from Care Those children on roll on Census Day who were looked after immediately before adoption. It will be up to those who have parental responsibility (adoptive parents, special guardians and carers) to decide if they wish schools to know whether such children have been adopted, or are under a special guardianship order or a residence order. 17
School Census Spring 2014: New Items Adopted from Care Schools will only need this information for Census purposes, so we have catered for it via Statutory Returns Tools 18 Graphic to be updated
School Census Spring 2014: Family Holidays Attendance Attendance code F will be collected if it exists for the Autumn Term, but the code should not be used from September 2013 onwards,as it is redundant Quote from the DfE From September 2013 Code F: ‘Extended family holiday authorised by the school’ becomes redundant as schools no longer need to agree an extended leave beyond a statutory limit (we have removed the statutory threshold of ten school days). We accept that software suppliers may not be able to completely disable Code F until their Autumn Release; in this case for Autumn term absence data collected in the Spring School Census we will aggregate data for Code F with Code H: ‘Authorised absence due to family holiday’. 19
School Census Spring 2014: Key Dates Census Date: 16/01/2014 Age: Age as at 31/08/2013 Attendance: Pupils aged 4 to 15 at 31/08/2013 Start of Autumn Term to 31/12/2013 (inclusive) Exclusions: 01/04/2013 to 31/08/2013 (inclusive) 20
School Census Spring 2014: Key Dates Eligibility for Free School Meals: Non-PRUs 04/10/2013 to 16 January 2014 (inclusive) PRUs 8 January 2013 to 16 January 2014 (inclusive) Learner Support: 01/08/2013 to 16/01/2014 (inclusive) Early Years: Aged 2 as at 31/12/2013 Aged 2 years at 31/08/2013 but 3 by 31/12/2013 (Rising 3s) 21
CTF 13: Autumn Release 2013
Autumn Release 2013: Cancel button added to choice of CTF Export type Cancel button added to choice of CTF Import type CTF Export adjusted for Sponsor led Academies that have not yet update pupil DOA so that it is no earlier than the date the Academy opened Numerous changes to the specification, but these will not be significant to users
Pupil Premium: Autumn Release 2013
Pupils Premium: Autumn Release 2013 Autumn Release 2013: New functionality to import and store Pupil Premium information provided by the DfE in CSV format Takes account of cross year nature of the funding Takes account of different types of Pupil Premium Existing Pupil Premium functionality will be “fed” from this new functionality Screenshot to be added
Pupil Premium: Autumn Release 2013 News Feed SupportNet Resource
Disadvantaged Pupils Identifier
Disadvantaged Pupils Identifier: Vision Vision: Our current Pupil Premium functionality identifies the pupils the DfE identified for calculating the Pupil Premium funding This is helpful in many ways, but is confusing when used to identifier other disadvantaged pupils It would cause less confusion if we provide separate functionality for the school to indentify who they consider to be their disadvantaged pupils If we provide a Disadvantaged Pupils Identifier we would also make it available to Assessment and Discover Question: Should we add a Disadvantaged Pupils Identifier?
School Census Autumn 2014: Post 16
Post 16 Learning Aims: Core Learning Aim Planned Post 16 Programme Hours Employment Status The DfE has decided not to collect information in the Census on prior attainment in English and Maths, although this attainment will have an impact on funding
School Census Autumn 2014: Post Core Learning Aim Summer Release 2013: Core Learning Aim added to Focus | Student | Courses Only needed for vocational programmes
School Census Autumn 2014: Post 16 Planned Programme Hours Summer Release 2014 (or earlier if possible): The DfE have accepted that this are the hours agreed with the pupil on acceptance to the programme and may not be in line with a particular “snapshot” of the pupils timetable Qualification hours and non-qualification hours will be collected separately for each Post 16 student
School Census Autumn 2014: Post 16 Planned Programme Hours Summer Release 2014 (or earlier if possible): In future years the collection of these items will be restricted to hours for the year of the Census (2014/15), but for this first collection only, there will also be a retrospective collection of hours for the previous year (2013/14). New functionality will be provide in SIMS where schools will be able to list their Post 16 pupils and enter planned hours for a particular Academic Year; a hyperlink to Student Course will be included
School Census Autumn 2014: Post 16 Employment Status Summer Release 2014: Identification of students who are in full time employment (defined as 20 hours or more per week) News Feed SupportNet Resource 20996
Unique Learner Number: Request Via CTF
Unique Learning Number: Request via CTF ULN Request via CTF: Many school have had their CTFs rejected by S2S In nearly all cases the rejection has been on the grounds of an incomplete address The S2S validation on addresses is very stringent, which makes non sense as LRS are only interested in the Post Code We understood the DfE would sort this out before the rush began to get ULN in place for School Census Spring 2014
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