With your partners, WRAP section 6.3
105 men and boys set sail in December Arrived at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay, VA on April 26, 1607 swampy, humid; mosquitos, hot, hostile natives Brackish water caused illness so severe, men died daily slow to learn how to grow food, lack of leadership By fall, only 50 men were still alive Fall of 1608, John Smith arrives provided stern leadership. No work= no eating He improves relationship with Powhatan/Pocahontas
In May, 9 Ships leave England with 450 passengers and a year’s worth of supplies Sea Venture carried all of the colonies new leaders and all of the supplies; began taking on water and sailed into a hurricane, became separated from the other ships Landed between huge rocks in present day Bermuda; took 10 months to build a new boat from wrecked ship The other ships had arrived in VA; some 250+ passengers, but no supplies Winter of was Starving Time: people were so desperate they ate dogs, horses, shoes and even human remains May 1610, castaways arrived only to find 60 settlers still alive in Jamestown About to abandon the colony, when supply ship arrived John Rolfe was aboard the Sea Venture; he smuggled Spanish tobacco seeds which would save Jamestown
John Rolfe married Pocahontas in 1614, which created peace with the natives John Rolfe and Pocahontas leave for a PR trip to England; she fell ill and died The seeds he’d brought created VA’s “gold”; tobacco that was all the rage in Europe Colony needed workers to help with tobacco farms First African slaves arrive in Jamestown in 1619 Women were recruited to come to colony to become wives of the settlers Colonists elected representatives to help govern; VA General Assembly
Powhatan had died and his brother, was the new chief, he plotted to attach and massacre the settlers March 1622: natives murder over 360 setters In August of 1622, settlers and natives sat down to negotiate but the colonists poisoned the drinks and killed over 200 natives
1624: Virginia named a Royal Colony of England Census figures: – Number of settlers sent to Jamestown : 6000 – Population in 1625: 1200 – Price of pound of tobacco: 3 shillings (36 pennies) – Price of pound of tobacco in 1637: 1 penny (why?) – African Slaves in 1619: 20 – African Slaves in 1674: 2500 Jamestown and Virginia were England’s first successes in the New World
Act it out! To prepare for the Jamestown act-it-out, follow these steps: Step 1: After you have read Section 6.3 of your book, discuss the questions below and make sure everyone can answer each question. Why did you come to Jamestown? What hardships did you face when you first arrived? What mistakes did you make when you first came that made survival even more difficult? How did the Native Americans in the area treat you when you first arrived? What do you think of your leader, Captain John Smith? How did life improve for you after 1607? Why do you think your settlement has been successful? Step 2: Discuss how the person who is chosen to perform can make the character come alive. Use visual and written information to make your presentation of the character realistic. Collect simple props that you can use during the act-it-out. You will have 5 minutes to prepare your actor
I think…. I see….. I taste….. I smell….. With my hands I…. With my heart I ….. With my legs I …. Jamestown woman who arrived on the Deliverance I hear…..
I think…. I see….. I taste….. I smell….. With my hands I…. With my heart I ….. With my legs I …. First slave brought to Jamestown I hear…..