Counselor Training for Secondary Schools Login to PowerSource>Training>Mastery in Minutes>Searching in PowerSchool Login to PowerSource>Training>Mastery in Minutes>Wildcard Searches Login to PowerSource>Training>Mastery in Minutes>Enrollment Summary Login to PowerSource>Training>Mastery in Minutes>Viewing Student Schedules Login to PowerSource>Training>Distance Learning>Counselor and Administrative Skill Part One and Part Two Login to PowerSource>Training>Distance Learning>Managing Grades and Academic Data Part One Login to PowerSource>Training>Distance Learning>Managing Students in PowerSchool Additional Resources:
Who has access to PowerSchool? School Administrators Teachers Parents and Students Subs Power School Server
Signing in to PowerSchool There are different URL addresses for each of the 4 Access Groups… Administrator User Name;Password (i.e. johnnym.williams;cowboys)
PowerSchool Start Page Notifications Navigation Toolbar Online Help Search Tabs Students Staff Parents Return to PowerSchool Start Page Main Menu Print this page Print Queue
Main Menu Items Master Schedule Teacher Schedule Enrollment Summary Daily Bulletin
Basic Student Searches
Quick Lookup Screen Alerts Terms Attendance Grades Notice that Quarter Grades and Attendance Totals are hyperlinks… You can drill down to see the categories and assignments that make up the grade by clicking on the grade. You can drill down to see the dates of absences by clicking on the attendance totals.
Searching in PowerSchool
Searching in PowerSchool with Compound Searches and Search Prefixes Example: Search for female students in 9 th grade: grade_level=9;gender=f
Searching for Students in a Specific Section of the Alphabet and in a Specific Grade Example: Search for students in the 12 th grade in the H through O section of the alphabet. – You would use a Compound Search using three separate search arguments: Grade_Level=12;Last_Name>=H;Last_Name<P
Searching for Pre-registered Students Search for a list of students who have been pre-registered in your school for the NEXT school year. – Select the Next Year under Term. – Pre-registered students have a status of -1 so your search argument would be: /enroll_status=-1 – You could create a Compound Search to search for pre-registered students in the 9 th grade: /enroll_status=-1;grade_level=9
Quick Reference – Additional Searches that may be helpful to Counselors
A Few Useful Group Functions Counselor’s ScreenSelect Students by Hand Quick ExportStudent List Login to PowerSource>Training>Distance Learning>Basics for PowerSchool Administrators Part One and Part Three
Viewing Credit Details (Historical Grades) You can view a single student’s credit details by searching for the specific student and then selecting Historical Grades from the Academics Menu on the left side of the screen. You can also view the credit details for a group of students by creating a search (a selection of students) and then selecting the Counselor’s Screen from the Group Functions Drop Down. Select Historical Grades from the drop down menu when prompted to select a screen to view for the list of students? On the left side of the screen you will see your list of students. You can view the Historical Grades for one student at a time by clicking on the student’s last name from the list.
Cumulative and GPA Information
Viewing Testing Information You can view a single student’s testing information by searching for the specific student and then selecting Test Results from the Academics Menu on the left side of the screen. You can also view the testing information for a group of students by creating a search (a selection of students) and then selecting the Counselor’s Screen from the Group Functions Drop Down. Select Test Results from the drop down menu when prompted to select a screen to view for the list of students? On the left side of the screen you will see your list of students. You can view the Test Results of one student at a time by clicking on the student’s last name from the list.
Viewing Incident Information You can view a single student’s incident information by searching for the specific student and then selecting Incidents from the Administration Menu on the left side of the screen. You can also view the incident information for a group of students by creating a search (a selection of students) and then selecting the Counselor’s Screen from the Group Functions Drop Down. Select Incidents from the drop down menu when prompted to select a screen to view for the list of students? On the left side of the screen you will see your list of students. You can view the Incidents for one student at a time by clicking on the student’s last name from the list.
Viewing All Enrollments You can view a single student’s current classes and click on View to drill down further to see assignment grades for a specific class by selecting All Enrollments under the Enrollment Menu on the left side of the screen. You can also view enrollment information for a group of students by creating a search (a selection of students) and then selecting the Counselor’s Screen from the Group Functions Drop Down. Select All Enrollments from the drop down menu when prompted to select a screen to view for the list of students? On the left side of the screen you will see your list of students. You can view the enrollments for one student at a time by clicking on the student’s last name from the list.
Tracking Graduation Progress Tracking Student Progress Toward Graduation 1.Search for and select the student. 2.Under the academic section, click Graduation Progress. 3.For Graduation Requirement Set, chose the desired requirements set (ex. High School Diploma). 4.The Graduation Progress page resets to display the desired results. 5.To work with graduation progress for a group of students, first select the students. 6.From the Group Functions menu, choose Counselor’s Screen. 7.Choose Graduation Progress, and click Submit. 8.Click the last name of a student to view or set their graduation progress. 9.Continue to select the students from the list t view or set their graduation progress.
Graduation Planner Currently being defined by NC DPI Selecting a Graduation Plan Graduation Planner is a flexible tool that will be set-up at the district or state level. Use the Graduation Plan Selection student page to choose one graduation plan, multiple graduation plans, and/or a post-secondary plan. Parents and students view graduation plans and choose pos-secondary plans using the PowerSchool Student and Parent Portals if the district enables access to them. To select a graduation plan for a student: 1.Search for and select the student 2.Under Academics, click Graduation Plan 3.Select the graduation plan to add it to the student’s record 4.Select another plan, if needed 5.To remove a plan, click – or click Unpick All 6.Click Submit Grade 9 Entry Date – will now be entered on the Graduation Plan Selection Screen in the Year Entering Graduation Plan.
Modifying a Student’s Schedule You can search by a specific course number or period If you know the course number and section enter it here and click enroll You can lock a scheduled course… Click Automated Schedule when you want to let the computer schedule the classes (not locked) Click Manually Schedule when you want to control how the class is scheduled
Searching for Students with Academic and/or Attendance Problems
Printing Reports Warning: Some reports may adversely impact the performance of the system if run for too large a selection of students so plan to run during off-peak times or run for a smaller selection of students. Graduation Progress Report – On the start screen, search for and select your student or group of students. – Select Graduation Progress Report from the Select a function for this group of students drop-down. The Graduation Progress Report Parameters page appears. Make selections and click Submit to view the report. Student Transcript – On the start screen, search for and select your student. – Click Print A Report from the Menu on the left side of the screen. – Select the Transcript from the Which report to print drop-down and then select the parameters for your report and Submit. (Transcripts can also be printed by selecting a group of students and then select Print Report from the Select a function for this group of student drop- down. Select Transcript and follow the previous steps for printing an individual transcript. Report Card – On the start screen, search for and select your student. – Click Print A Report from the Menu on the left side of the screen. – Select the your Report Card option from the Which report to print drop-down and then select the parameters for your report and Submit. (Report Cards can also be printed by selecting a group of students and then select Print Report from the Select a function for this group of student drop-down. Select your Report Card option and follow the previous steps for printing an individual report card. Progress Report – On the start screen, search for and select your student. – Click Print A Report from the Menu on the left side of the screen. – Select the Progress Report from the Which report to print drop-down and then select the parameters for your report and Submit. (Progress Reports can also be printed by selecting a group of students and then select Print Report from the Select a function for this group of student drop-down. Select Progress Report and follow the previous steps for printing an individual progress report. At Risk Report (Excessive absences, low grades and/or bad behavior) – Click System Reports from the Reports Menu on the left side of the screen. – Click At Risk under the Student Listings section and then select the parameters for your report and Submit (to select multiple absence reasons you will hold down the Ctrl key and select the reasons with your mouse).
Printing Reports Continued Warning: Some reports may adversely impact the performance of the system if run for too large a selection of students so plan to run during off-peak times or run for a smaller selection of students. Grade Distribution Report – On the start screen, click System Reports>Grades Distribution – Use the Report By Menu* to define how the grades will be listed on the report. – For Grades to Scan*, choose either Current or Historical. – Choose to distribute grades by Letter Grade or Percentage. – For Distribution Display, define the headings that appear at the top of each view by entering the letter grades or percentages, separated by commas (ex: A,B,C,D,F). – When distributing by letter grade, enter the corresponding grades in the Passing Grades and Failing Grades fields. – Click Submit. Special Program Enrollment Report for the School – On the start screen, under Functions click Special Functions. – Select Special Programs Enrollment and then click Display for the specific special program. The screen will display a list of students assigned to the program you selected. You can make this selection of students your current section or add these students to the current selection to perform a Group Function. Mailing Labels for a Group of Students – On the start screen, search for and select your group of students. – Select Print Mailing Labels from Select a function for this group of students drop-down. – Select Student Address Labels from the Use this mailing label layout drop-down and then select the parameters for the mailing labels and Submit.