Open up both Refworks and Google Scholar at the same time HOW TO INPUT YOUR REFERENCE: Import from Google Scholar HOW TO INPUT YOUR REFERENCE: Import from Google Scholar
Visit Google Scholar at Import from Google Scholar HOW TO INPUT YOUR REFERENCE: Import from Google Scholar HOW TO INPUT YOUR REFERENCE: Import from Google Scholar
1. From the Google Scholar search screen, click on Settings SETTING PREFERENCES 1 1 HOW TO INPUT YOUR REFERENCE: Import from Google Scholar HOW TO INPUT YOUR REFERENCE: Import from Google Scholar
2. At the bottom of Google Scholar Preference page, in Bibliograhy Manager, select Refworks (drop-down menu) in Show links to import citations into 3. Click on Save HOW TO INPUT YOUR REFERENCE: Import from Google Scholar HOW TO INPUT YOUR REFERENCE: Import from Google Scholar
4. Type a search term e.g. information literacy 5. Click on search button EXPORT THE CITATION HOW TO INPUT YOUR REFERENCE: Import from Google Scholar HOW TO INPUT YOUR REFERENCE: Import from Google Scholar
Search results will be displayed 6. Click on Import into Refworks 6 6 HOW TO INPUT YOUR REFERENCE: Import from Google Scholar HOW TO INPUT YOUR REFERENCE: Import from Google Scholar
Import References screen will be displayed 7. Click on View Last Imported Folder to view your reference(s) 7 7 HOW TO INPUT YOUR REFERENCE: Import from Google Scholar HOW TO INPUT YOUR REFERENCE: Import from Google Scholar
8. Your result (citation) will be displayed in Refworks 8 8 HOW TO INPUT YOUR REFERENCE: Import from Google Scholar HOW TO INPUT YOUR REFERENCE: Import from Google Scholar