1. Blend the quote as if it is a natural part of your sentence. 2. Introduce the speaker before the quote and use a comma.


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Presentation transcript:

1. Blend the quote as if it is a natural part of your sentence. 2. Introduce the speaker before the quote and use a comma.

 How is one character from the Odyssey (NOT ODYSSEUS) based on an archetype?

Athena represents the archetype Supernatural Intervention. This is shown in the quote, “Athena/lent him beauty head to foot.” According to this archetype, a god may step into the story to help a hero. In this case, Athena helps the hero, Odysseus, become more attractive before his reunion with Penelope.

Athena represents the archetype Supernatural Intervention. According to this archetype, a god may step into the action to help a hero. Athena wanted to help Odysseus regain his place as king with Penelope as his queen, so she “…[lends] him beauty, head to foot” (1262) before their reunion. Athena helps the hero, Odysseus, become more attractive so Penelope will be more likely to accept him.

 Ellipsis Points (…) can be used to indicate that you have omitted some of the quoted material.  “…lent him beauty head to foot” (1262).

Calypso represents the Devil Figure character archetype. Before Odysseus leaves her, Calypso tempts him one last time and says, “If you could see it all, before you go – /all the adversity you face at sea – /you would stay here…and be immortal…” (1209). The Devil Figure makes an enticing offer to the protagonist in exchange for his soul, here offering safety and immortality to Odysseus if he remains with her and abandons his home.

 [Brackets] can be used to enclose a brief explanation or clarification in a quotation.  “If you [Odysseus] could see it all, before you go – all the adversity you face at sea – you would stay here…and be immortal…” (1209).  Brackets can help make your quotes clear and less confusing.  Brackets can ONLY be used within a quotation.