Population Patterns Vocab
Demography The study of population (numbers, ethnicities, common traits, distribution, density)
Death Rate # of people that die every year per 1,000 people
Birth Rate # of people that are born every year per 1,000 people
Natural Increase Rate A.K.A. growth rate or Birth Rate-Death Rate
Life Expectancy Average number of years people live within a given population
Fertility Rate # of live births per 1,000 people
Infant Mortality Rate # of deaths of infants (under 1 year) per 1,000 live births
Child Mortality Rate # of deaths of children (1-5 years) per 1,000
Zero Population Growth Occurs when BR=DR and Usually in wealthy countries
Doubling Time # of years it takes a population to double in size
Negative Population Growth Rate Occurs when DR>BR People are brought in from foreign countries because there are not enough workers
Population Distribution Pattern of human settlement
Ecumene Portion of Earth occupied by permanent human settlement
Population Density People per square mile Arithmetic Pop. Density – total population/total land area Physiological Population Density – Total population/total arable land
Urbanization Movement of people from rural areas to cities
Emigrant Migrant who leaves their home country
Immigrant Migrant who comes into a new country