"Building a Caring Society. Together" 1 DSD Performance trends for the period Jan – Mar 2014 Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Social Development 27 August 2014
22 Presentation outline PART A: Programme Performance PART B: Expenditure "Building a Caring Society. Together"
3 Part A Programme Performance
Part A outline Purpose Strategic Priorities Contextual Analysis Key Achievements Overall Performance 4
55 PURPOSE This presentation provides summary and analysis of performance trends and challenges encountered with respect to the implementation of some of the Ministerial priorities as reflected in the Department’s Annual performance Plan (APP) for the financial year. "Building a Caring Society. Together"
6 The Department has identified and committed itself to addressing the following key priorities: Expand Child and Youth Care Services (Isibindi programme) Increase access to Early Childhood Development (ECD) Combat Substance Abuse and Gender-Based Violence Increase household food & nutrition security (Food for all) The protection and promotion of the rights of older persons and people with disabilities Strategic Priorities "Building a Caring Society. Together"
7 Programme Performance
8 CONTEXT/SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS The Social Development Sector delivers its services in an environment marked by high levels of poverty, unemployment and inequality.The Social Development Sector delivers its services in an environment marked by high levels of poverty, unemployment and inequality. Although the Department is largely responsible for policy formulation, it also renders some of its services directly to the public, e.g. Registration of NPOsAlthough the Department is largely responsible for policy formulation, it also renders some of its services directly to the public, e.g. Registration of NPOs The Department works with other institutions within and outside government in the execution of its mandate: Critical partners include amongst others the Departments of Basic Education, Labour, Justice, Health and Rural developmentThe Department works with other institutions within and outside government in the execution of its mandate: Critical partners include amongst others the Departments of Basic Education, Labour, Justice, Health and Rural development. 8 "Building a Caring Society. Together"
9 CONTEXT/SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS Areas of collaboration include critical projects on issues affecting Children, HIV & AIDS, Older Persons, Victim Empowerment, Youth, Social Security.Areas of collaboration include critical projects on issues affecting Children, HIV & AIDS, Older Persons, Victim Empowerment, Youth, Social Security. Given the collaborative and interdependent nature of some of the department’s work, it can only meet some of its targets if the other institutions deliver on their commitments as well.Given the collaborative and interdependent nature of some of the department’s work, it can only meet some of its targets if the other institutions deliver on their commitments as well. Reprioritization: In some instances, the Department had to shift funds between or within programmes in the light of new and urgent political priorities, for example the focus by the Department on Kwanda Talk in order to prepare the ground for the roll-out of Kwanda to the new sites.Reprioritization: In some instances, the Department had to shift funds between or within programmes in the light of new and urgent political priorities, for example the focus by the Department on Kwanda Talk in order to prepare the ground for the roll-out of Kwanda to the new sites. 9 "Building a Caring Society. Together"
10 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS FOR REPORTING PERIOD JANUARY – MARCH 2014 "Building a Caring Society. Together"
11 Government outcomeA long and healthy life for all South Africans Outcome DSD specificPoor and vulnerable people are protected against income poverty Annual TargetOlder persons grant: Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievement older persons grants beneficiaries " Building a Caring Society. Together" Programme 2: Social Assistance Annual TargetWar veterans grant: 393 Quarter 4 Target 393 Quarter 4 Achievement 429 war veteran grants beneficiaries Annual TargetChild support grant: Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievement child support grants beneficiaries. (Lapsing of grants due to re-registration project)
12 " Building a Caring Society. Together" Programme 2: Social Assistance Annual TargetDisability grant: Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievement care dependency grants beneficiaries. (Slow uptake of grant) Annual TargetCare dependency grant: Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievement disability grant beneficiaries. (Lapsing of grants due to re-registration project) Annual TargetFoster care grant: Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievement foster care grants beneficiaries (Lapsing of grants due to beneficiaries turning 18) Annual TargetGrant-in-aid: Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 Achievement grant-in-aid beneficiaries
13 Government outcome An efficient, effective and development-oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship Outcome DSD specific An efficient, effective and transparent social security system that promotes active citizenship Annual TargetProduce 2 oversight reports on adherence to norms and standards for the social assistance programme Quarter 4 TargetQuarter 4 Achievement Produce 1 oversight report One oversight report on adherence to norms and standards for the social assistance programme were produced. The first report was produced in quarter 2 " Building a Caring Society. Together" Programme 3: Social Security and Policy Administration
14 Government outcome An efficient, effective and development-oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship Outcome DSD specific An efficient, effective and transparent social security system that promotes active citizenship Annual TargetComplete discussion paper on the universalisation of the elderly person’s grant Quarter 4 TargetQuarter 4 Achievement Consult stakeholders on the draft discussion paper Draft discussion paper completed following a series of discussion with stakeholders " Building a Caring Society. Together" Programme 3: Social Security and Policy Administration Annual TargetPublish and launch Social Budget Bulletin Quarter 4 TargetQuarter 4 Achievement Build internal capacity for next Social Budget bulletin Internal capacity building has been achieved through a partnership between the Department and Wits University
15 Government outcome An efficient, effective and development-oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship Outcome DSD specific An effective, efficient and accessible social assistance appeals service Annual TargetAdjudicate 50% of appeals within 90 days of receipt Quarter 4 TargetQuarter 4 Achievement Adjudicate 50% of appeals within 90 days of receipt Adjudicated 380 appeals with 35% (133) adjudicated within 90 days. Target not achieved due to difficulties in obtaining critical documentation from SASSA (e.g. Medical Assessments and Means Test Information) which are required for the adjudication of appeals, especially in respect of Litigious Appeals. " Building a Caring Society. Together" Programme 3 : Appeals Adjudication
16 Government outcome An efficient, effective and development-oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship Outcome DSD specific A transparent and accountable social assistance system Annual TargetApprove policy framework for social security inspection Quarter 4 TargetQuarter 4 Achievement Develop a business case for an inspectorate for social security Framework and business case completed, and submitted to the Minister for consideration " Building a Caring Society. Together" Programme 3: Inspectorate for Social Security
17 Government outcomeA Quality Basic Education Outcome DSD specificImproved access to Early Childhood Development (ECD) programmes Annual TargetDevelop ECD policy Quarter 4 Target Finalise ECD Policy Quarter 4 Achievement The final draft of the ECD policy completed Annual TargetDraft national ECD integrated plan (phase 1). Develop comprehensive package of ECD services. Quarter 4 Target Draft comprehensive package of ECD services Quarter 4 Achievement The final draft of the comprehensive ECD programme completed Building a Caring Society. Together" Performance trends: Children
18 Government outcomeA Quality Basic Education Outcome DSD specificImproved access to Early Childhood Development progrommes Annual TargetConduct a comprehensive audit of ECD centres in all provinces Quarter 4 Target Audit ECD centres in all provinces Quarter 4 Achievement ECD centres audited Annual TargetIncrease the number of children adopted by 10% Quarter 4 Target Register 53 adoptions Quarter 4 Achievement 400 adoptions registered: (National adoptions: 369;Intercountry adoptions: 31) Annual Target Monitor implementation of the Foster Care Project Plan in 9 provinces Quarter 4 Target Monitor implementation in 2 provinces Quarter 4 Achievement Free State monitored on the implementation of foster care project plan. Other 8 provinces monitored in previous quarters " Building a Caring Society. Together" Performance trends: Children
19 Government outcomeA Quality Basic Education Outcome DSD specificImproved access to Early Childhood Development progrommes Annual TargetMonitor implementation of the transformation plan for the Child and Youth Care Centres (CYCCs) in 9 provinces. Quarter 4 Target Monitor implementation of the CYCC plan in 3 provinces Quarter 4 Achievement Progress reports received from 6 Provinces ( FS,GP,LP,NC,KZN and MP) on the implementation of the transformation plan for CYCC’s Annual TargetSecure approval of the guidelines for the registration of Drop in Centres Quarter 4 Target Review and finalise the guidelines Quarter 4 Achievement Guidelines have been reviewed and finalized. They were presented to both the DDG Forum and Social Welfare Forum in March 2014 and were approved. Annual TargetScreen employees working with children screened against the CPR Part B Quarter 4 Target Screen employees Quarter 4 Achievement Screened employees against CPR Part B in quarter 4 bringing a total to screed since quarter 1 " Building a Caring Society. Together" Performance trends: Children
20 Government outcomeAll people in South Africa are and feel safe Outcome DSD specificSafe and friendly society for children Annual TargetDraft Amendment Bill (Phase 1) of the Children’s Act Quarter 4 Target Finalise Draft Amendment Bill Quarter 4 Achievement Draft Bill is finalised Annual TargetChild Protection Week launch and closing event Quarter 4 Target Develop Concept Document for Child Protection Week 2014 Quarter 4 Achievement Concept document developed Annual TargetMonitor the implementation of the Isibindi Model in the provinces Quarter4Target Collate and review reports on implementation in 9 provinces Quarter 4 Achievement Collated and reviewed reports on implementation of Isibindi Model in 9 provinces " Building a Caring Society. Together" Performance trends: Children
21 Government outcome All people in South Africa are and feel safe Outcome DSD specific Reduced incidence of substance abuse in communities Annual TargetMonitor implementation of the National Anti-Substance Abuse Programme of Action by 9 national departments Quarter 4 Target Monitor implementation by 9 national departments Quarter 4 Achievement Monitored implementation of the National Anti-Substance Programme of Action Annual TargetCapacitate 120 stakeholders on the Act and Regulations Quarter 4 Target Capacitate 40 stakeholders Quarter 4 Achievement Capacitated 120 stakeholders in the third quarter Annual TargetCapacitate 90 service providers Quarter 4Target Facilitate implementation of Social Mobilisation Strategy by 30 service providers Quarter 4 Achievement Capacitated 90 service providers in the second quarter " Building a Caring Society. Together" Performance trends: Anti-Substance Abuse
22 Government outcome All people in South Africa are and feel safe Outcome DSD specific Reduced incidence of substance abuse in communities Annual TargetReview and monitor implementation of the National Drug Master Plan (NDMP), 2013–2017 Quarter 4 Target Support and monitor implementation of the National Drug Master Plan (NDMP), 2013–2017 Quarter 4 Achievement Conducted capacity building on the National Drug Master Plan at the Department of Transport. " Building a Caring Society. Together" Performance trends: Anti-Substance Abuse
23 Government outcome All people in South Africa are and feel safe Outcome DSD specificReduce incidence of social crime Annual TargetDraft Bill on victim empowerment support services Quarter 4 Target Consult on the Draft Bill Quarter 4 Achievement Conducted workshops with various stakeholders,internally and eternally Annual TargetMonitor the implementation of the Gender Based Violence (GBV) prevention programmes Quarter 4 Targets Monitor implementation of the GBV prevention programmes Quarter 4 Achievements KZN province monitored on the implementation of the GBV programme Annual TargetProvision of immediate and integrated collaborative service intervention on GBV incidences for 24hr/7days Quarter 4 Targets Monitor the provision of immediate integrated collaborative service intervention on GBV related incidences for 24hr/7days and analyse data collected Quarter 4 Achievements GBV fact sheet on incidents reported for the period January to March produced and available. " Building a Caring Society. Together" Performance trends: Victim Empowerment
24 Government outcome All people in South Africa are and feel safe Outcome DSD specificReduce incidence of social crime Annual TargetFinalise the Policy Framework for the accreditation of services and programmes for victims of human trafficking Quarter 4 Target Finalise Policy framework Quarter 4 Achievement Policy Framework for the Accreditation of Services and Programmes for Victims of Human Trafficking finalised " Building a Caring Society. Together" Performance trends: Victim Empowerment Annual TargetDevelop VEP M&E system Quarter 4 Targets Consult stakeholders in 3 provinces Quarter 4 Achievements VEP M&E System developed in quarter 2. Provincial training took place in 3 provinces: LP, NW and MP. National Training was also conducted
25 Government outcome All people are safe in South Africa Outcome DSD specificImproved protection and quality of life for older persons AnnualAssess 90 Community Based Care (CBC) services (10 per province) Quarter 4 Targets A ssess 20 CBC services Quarter 4 Achievements Assessed 33 CBC Services in the following provinces:2 North West 5 Eastern Cape,20 Limpopo,2 Gauteng and 3 Northern Cape Annual Assess 108 residential care facilities (12 per province) Quarter 4 Targets Assess 24 residential care facilities Quarter 4 Achievements Assessed 44 residential facilities in the following provinces:1 North West,5 Eastern Cape,2 Limpop,3 Gauteng,31 KZN and 2 Northern Cape " Building a Caring Society. Together" Performance trends: Services to Older Persons
26 Government outcome All people are safe in South Africa Outcome DSD specificImproved protection and quality of life for older persons Annual TargetsDraft Older Persons Amendment Bill Quarter 4 Targets Finalise the Draft Amendment Bill Quarter 4 Achievements Draft Bill developed " Building a Caring Society. Together" Performance trends: Services to Older Persons
27 Government outcome Sustainable human settlement and improved quality of household life Outcome DSD specificImproved quality of life for people with disabilities Annual TargetsDraft Bill on social development services to people with disabilities Quarter 1 Targets Consolidate Draft Bill Quarter 1 Achievements Consolidated draft Bill Annual TargetsDevelop norms and standards for residential facilities Quarter 1 Targets Finalise norms and standards Quarter 4 Achievements Draft Norms & Standards on residential facilities finalised " Building a Caring Society. Together" Performance trends: People with Disabilities
28 Government outcome Sustainable human settlement and improved quality of household life Outcome DSD specificStrengthened families and more cohesive communities Annual TargetsBuild stakeholder capacity on the White Paper on families Quarter 4Targets Build capacity in three provinces Quarter 4 Achievements Capacity Building was conducted in six provinces (MP,FS,WC,EC,KZN and LP) in quarter 3 Annual TargetsBuild capacity on Fatherhood and Active Parenting programmes for teenagers Quarter 4 Targets Build capacity in three provinces Quarter 4 Achievements Capacity building on the Active Parenting of Teenagers was facilitated in three provinces " Building a Caring Society. Together" Performance trends: Families
29 Government outcome Vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all Outcome DSD specificYouths influencing and contributing to social change Annual Targets3 000 youths participating youth development programmes dialogues Quarter 4 Targets 500 participants Quarter 4 Achievements 160 youths in GP, 2843 youths in FS and 658 youths in KZN mobilised through dialogues. This makes a total to Annual Targets450 participants youths participating in skills development programmes Quarter 4 Targets 100 participants Quarter 4 Achievements 283 youths in LP, youths in GP, and 30 youths in FS participating in skills development programmes. This makes a total of " Building a Caring Society. Together" Performance trends: Youth
30 Government outcome A long and healthy life for all South Africans Outcome DSD specificDecrease in risky sexual behavior among targeted population Annual TargetsReach youths through social and behavior change programmes Quarter 4Targets Reach youths Quarter 4 Achievements youth reached social policy Annual TargetsTrain 540 ground Breakers (GBs) on social and behavior change programmes Quarter 4 Targets Train 540 groundbreakers Quarter 4 Achievements 525 groundbreakers trained. 15 groundbreakers resigned " Building a Caring Society. Together" Performance trends: HIV and AIDS
31 Government outcome A long and healthy life for all South Africans Outcome DSD specificDecrease in risky sexual behavior among targeted population Annual TargetsTrain mPintshis to implement social and behavior change programmes Quarter 4Targets Train Mpintshis Quarter 4 Achievements Mpintshis trained. Resignation of 15 groudbreakers impacted negatively on recruitment and training of Mpintshis Annual TargetsTrain 450 organisations to implement social and behavior change programmes Quarter 4 Targets Train 100 organisations Quarter 4 Achievements 283 organisations trained " Building a Caring Society. Together" Performance trends: HIV and AIDS
32 Government outcome A long and healthy life for all South Africans Outcome DSD specificCommunity capacity and systems strengthened Annual TargetsReporting from 1200 CBOs in accordance with the community-based M&E system Quarter 4Targets Reports from 300 CBOs Quarter 4 Achievements 798 organisations submitted administrative data into CBIMS Annual TargetsTrain 120 CBOs on management capacity building programme Quarter 4Targets Train 30 CBOs Quarter 4 Achievements 24 CBOs trained. Other CBOs trained in previous quarters " Building a Caring Society. Together" Performance trends: HIV and AIDS
33 Government outcome Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Outcome DSD specificIncreased work opportunities, skills and income levels in the Social Development Sector Quarter 4 TargetsQuarter 4 Achievements Create job opportunities job opportunities created by Department of Social Development " Building a Caring Society. Together" Performance trends: Special Projects and Innovation Annual TargetCreate job opportunities Quarter 4 TargetsQuarter 4 Achievements Create non-EPWP job opportunities non-EPWP job opportunities created Annual TargetCreate non-EPWP jobs
34 Government outcome An efficient, effective and development-oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship Outcome DSD specificA conducive environment for civil society organisations and communities Annual TargetProcess 90 % of NPO registration application within two months of receipt Quarter 4 TargetQuarter 4 Achievement Process 90% of NPO registration applications within two months of receipt % (6 935 of 7 544) applications processed within two months. " Building a Caring Society. Together" Performance trends: Non-profit organisations Annual TargetProcess 70 % of all submitted annual reports within two months of receipt 91.1 % (4 418 of 4 841) reports processed within two months Quarter 4 TargetQuarter 4 Achievement
35 Government outcome An efficient, effective and development-oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship Outcome DSD specificA conducive environment for civil society organisations and communities Annual TargetTrain 2500 NPO’s on governance and compliance with the NPO Act Quarter 4 TargetQuarter 4 Achievement Train 625 NPOs631 NPOs trained " Building a Caring Society. Together" Performance trends: Non-profit organisations Annual TargetTrain 300 provincial officials Quarter 4 TargetQuarter 4 Achievement Train 75 provincial officials 173 officials trained
36 Government outcome A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path Outcome DSD specificSkilled workforce to deliver quality community development services Annual TargetProfile households Quarter 4 TargetQuarter 4 Achievement Profile households households profiled " Building a Caring Society. Together" Performance trends: Zero hunger/ Food for All
37 Government outcome Vibrant, equitable, and sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all Outcome DSD specificImproved access to diverse and affordable food Annual TargetPromote equitable access to access food by households Quarter 4 TargetQuarter 4 Achievement Provide households with equitable access to food households provided with equitable access to food " Building a Caring Society. Together" Performance trends: Zero hunger/ Food for All Annual Target people to access food through food banks Quarter 4 TargetQuarter 4 Achievement people to access food through food banks people access food through food banks
39 Standard Reporting Format and Rating System For the quarterly report, and for ease of analysis an additional colour coded column, (green, amber and red), is used to determine progress towards meeting pre-determined targets and objectives.For the quarterly report, and for ease of analysis an additional colour coded column, (green, amber and red), is used to determine progress towards meeting pre-determined targets and objectives. On course – no major action needed. On course – no major action needed. Moderate risk that some problems exist and as a result the target will not be achieved in the planned time frames- remedial action is needed to avoid this. Moderate risk that some problems exist and as a result the target will not be achieved in the planned time frames- remedial action is needed to avoid this. Certainty that the target will not be achieved or was not achieved in the planned timeframes- major remedial action and urgent intervention is required Certainty that the target will not be achieved or was not achieved in the planned timeframes- major remedial action and urgent intervention is required 39 "Building a Caring Society. Together"
41 Summary of Overall Performance "Building a Caring Society. Together" Quarter 4
42 During the fourth quarter reporting period ( January – March 2014). A total of 69% of the planned targets were fully met. Targets that are in-progress (partially met) are 22%. The number of targets that were completely not achieved were 9% in the reporting period. Different reasons such as cancellation of meetings, delays in response by stakeholders, unavailability of panel member for shortlisting and interviews, budget constraints, lapsing of grants due to reregistration project and many other various reasons were also mentioned for non- achievement of set targets. Summary of Overall Performance
"Building a Caring Society. Together"43 Part B Expenditure
2013/14 FINANCIAL YEAR 7 December April 2013 to Mar 2014 Expenditure
CONTENT Summary of “First, Second and Third and Fourth Quarter Expenditure” Social Assistance Grants Challenges 7 December
7 December SUMMARY – END OF MARCH EXPENDITURE SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT R’ % Spent Jul – Sept 2013 R 117,1 billion 98.8% Spending R 117,1 billion 98.8% Spending 26.1% Spent Oct - Dec % Spent Jan - Mar 2014
7 December MONTHLY SUMMARY –QUARTERLY SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT R’000 Average spending percentage of 24.70% per quarter against the allocation Average spending percentage of 24.70% per quarter against the allocation
7 December QUARTERLY EXPENDITURE PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Economic Classification Final Voted 2013/14 Expenditure Apr – Jun 2013 Jul – Sept 2013 Oct - Dec 2013 Jan - Mar 2014 Total% SpentDeviation R’ 000 Compensation of Employees ,00%0 Goods and Services ,35%2 178 Transfers and Subsidies ,78% Payments of Capital Assets ,00%0 Payments for Financial assets TOTAL ,80%
7 December SOCIAL ASSISTANCE GRANTS GRANT TYPE Final Voted 2013/14 Expenditure Apr – Jun 2013 Jul – Sept 2013 Oct - Dec 2013 Jan - Mar 2014 Total% SpentDeviation R’ 000 OLD AGE ,40% WAR VETERANS ,76%510 DISABILITY ,08% FOSTER CARE ,05% CARE DEPENDENCY ,85% CHILD SUPPORT ,29% GRANT-IN-AID ,19%2 245 SOCIAL RELIEF ,87% TOTAL ,73%
Challenges Continued budget pressures: –Insufficient budget allocation versus wide scope of responsibilities –Increasing demand for services versus declining resources; –Shortage of Social Workers results in inability to provide statutory services as required by specific legislation eg. Children’s Act, Older Persons Act, etc. 7 December
THANK YOU 7 December