Air-sea fluxes over the ITHACA region Grbec, B. and Matić, F. Institute of oceanography and fisheries - Split
Parameterization: 1)Matić, F.: Air sea interaction in the Brać, Hvar and Neretva channel, Master thesis, University of Zagreb, )May, P.: 1982, Climatological flux estimates in the Mediterranean Sea, Wind and wind stresses. Norda report 54. 3), 4) Gill, A.: 1982, Atmosphere – ocean dynamics. Academic Press
Meteorological station Split – Marjan; SST station Split Qs: mean daily values calculated based on hourly values; Q l, Q E, Q C calculated based on daily averaged values of meteorological and SST values; all parameters except SST were measured hourly, SST at 07 and 14 h. Missing wind speed in June replaced by daily average from observations at 07, 14, 21 h. using relationship: W = 0,836B **(3/2) W is wind speed in m/s B is value on the Beaufort-scale
ITHACA period
Monthly mean air temperature, precipitation, net heat and water flux (evaporation – precipitation) computed for Split-Marjan station for the period and for 2003 and Vertical bars represent standard deviations for particular month. ITHACA period vs 2003 and climatological mean
Surface fluxes will be calculated for all available meteorological and SST values on daily scale (daily average values); STATIONS: Split, Hvar, Komiža, Lastovo, Dubrovnik Based on ALADIN values surface fluxes will be calculated. For the SST field stations values, and/or satellite values will be calculated. AdHOC Adriatic sea Heat and water fluxes – Observation and Calculation. NEXT