ESCWA SDMX Workshop Session: Reporting Scenarios
Bilateral Exchange
Gateway Exchange
Data/Metadata-Sharing Exchange Registration of Data Source query/retrieval RSS or SDMX Notification Data/Metadata Reporters Data/Metadata Consumers
The Old JEDH (Joint External Debt Hub) Site BIS IMF OECD World Bank WEBSITE (Various Formats) (3-month production cycle)
JEDH with SDMX BIS IMF OECD World Bank SDMX-ML (Debtor database) [Info about data is registered] SDMX “Agent” SDMX Registry Discover data and URLs Retrieves data from sites JEDH Site Data provided in real time to site SDMX-ML Loaded into JEDH DB
CountrySTAT RegionSTAT National Publication Server(s) Regional Publication Server FAO SDMX Registry Flow of FAO CountrySTAT- RegionSTAT Implementation 1 2 3a 4 3b SDMX in Action: Prototype System FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Slide courtesy of the FAO
FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS 1 CountryStat National Publication Server The web site is published from the files in CountryStat SDMX Publication The new CountryStat files are converted to SDMX-ML data sets and made web accessible on the CountryStat web site These files are registered in the FAO SDMX Registry RegionStat Regional Publication Server Queries the registry for new registrations which responds with registration details including the URL of the new data sets Retrieves the new data sets from the CountryStat web site Converts the SDMX-ML files to an internal format and integrates the new data sets with existing RegionStat data sets Re-publishes the RegionStat web site 2 3a 4 Prototype System: Explanation Slide courtesy of the FAO 3b
The SDMX Census Hub Pilot project reference architecture NSI Census Data warehouse Data base Eurostat Hub Web Service SQL Builder SDMX Query Parser SDMX Generator NSI SDMX infrastructure Slide courtesy of Eurostat
The SDMX Census Hub Eurostat Hub