Neil Armstong The first man on the moon! By Sean connolly Presented by Andrew. Good 10/1/11
About Neil Neil was born in August in Wapakoneta Ohio
Neil was lucky to have a good family and have a steady income.
Neil’s father loved air planes and often took Neil to Cleveland's airport to watch planes land and take off.
When Neil got older in his life he got to fly a Sleek X-15 aircraft.
Major Accomplishments Got a scholarship from the U.S. Navy to go to Purdue University to study aeronautical engineering. He became a fighter pilot in the Korean war. In 1962 he be came a NASA astronaut.
Neil Armstrong and Amelia Earhart I am going to compare Neil Armstrong and Amelia Earhart. Neil was a student at Purdue University and Amelia taught at the same school. They both loved aviation and both flew in a plane.
Neil Armstrong's Bio-poem Neil out going Brave Smart Lover of flying