Welcome. FPM Road Show CQC Update Kate Hodkinson.


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Presentation transcript:


FPM Road Show CQC Update Kate Hodkinson

Overview Update on CQC Consultation and changes to the way they regulate, inspect and monitor care Clarification of notification requirements

The Future of CQC

June 2013 Consultation A New Start Prioritise where people are most vulnerable Chief Inspector of General Practice Professor Steve Field Two year timescale for general practice changes New ratings systems 28 regulations – five key questions Specialist inspectors

Five Questions Is it safe? Is it effective? Is it caring? Is it responsive to people’s needs? Is it well led?

By safe …. People are protected from physical, psychological or emotional hard

By effective …. people’s needs are met and their care is in line with nationally recognised guidelines and relevant NICE quality standards

By caring …. people are treated with compassion, respect and dignity and that care is tailored to their needs Compassion in Care Care Compassion Competence Communication Courage Commitment

By responsive … People get the treatment and care at the right time, without excessive delay and that they are listened to in a way that responds to their needs and concerns

Bt well led … There is effective leadership, governance (corporate and clinical) and clinical involvement at all levels and an open, fair and transparent culture that listens and learns from people’s views and experiences to make improvements

Planned development Information on experience – local Healthwatch and other groups Coordination with other inspections and shared use of information Focus on talking to patients and front line staff Rating system – being implemented in Acute Hospitals

Notifications to CQC

Guidance Statutory notifications for GP Practices May 2013

Required Notifications CQC Website – MS Word Documents Offence NOT to notify Registered person or delegated responsibility Infection outbreaks – Public Health England PHE may liaise with CQC

Areas for Notification Changes to Statement of purpose made within 28 days Absence of registered person Single handed GP Registered manager 28 days absence – notified with 28 days notice Emergency absence – notified within 5 days Return notified within seven days

Registration Details Pas soon as reasonably practicable Change of provider Registered manager Membership of a partnership Name or address Change to officers or directors Main contact or details

Death of a person who uses the service Without delay, every death where: Occurred while regulated activity was taking place Occurred with 2 weeks and It was as a result of the regulated activity, and Not attributed to the course the illness would naturally have taken if they had received appropriate care

In addition Serious injuries – major organ, fracture, intellectual function, psychological harm Abuse or allegation of abuse – child or vulnerable adult Investigation by the police Events that stop the Registered person from running the service safely and properly

However GP practices do not have to notify death or unauthorised absence of people detailed under the Mental Health Act

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