Getting Started In Home Schooling
1. Legal Aspects It is legal to home educate in Victoria It is necessary to notify of your intention to homeschool For details contact Home Education Network see phone fault.htmhttp:// fault.htm
2. Decide degree of formality Unschooling Follow one program for all subjects Select courses from several different sources Write own curriculum
2. Decide degree of formality
3. Pre-testing Use tests to determine levels of achievement available from Homeschooling Supplies PO Box 688 Werribee Vic 3030 Australia Phone: Fax (03) Website:
3. Pre-testing Or ACER 347 Camberwell Rd (Private Bag 55) Camberwell Vic Phone Website:
4. Personal Inventory If desired do some testing/discussion to determine Myer Briggs Personality type Preferred Learning style/s Interests/Passions Aspirations/ Career choices
4. Personal Inventory
5. Locate resources for each subject Already have it? Will be provided by course provider? Need to purchase? Can borrow from library? Can borrow from friend? Will write unit yourself?
5. Locate resources for each subject
6. Consider the community Opportunities for service Opportunities to learn
6. Consider the community
7. Consider your timetable Do you work? A. Full time B Part time Who will supervise while you are working? When will you do household tasks? Will household tasks form part of your teaching of ‘life skills’? Plan a study timetable
7. Consider your timetable
8. Consider sports & activities Does your child already participate in sports or other activities? Can this be incorporated into your timetable? Plan sports and activities
8. Consider sports & activities
9. Consider social aspects What social activities does your family already do? Would you like to join a homeschooling network group?
9. Consider social aspects