CriteriaStudent Grade Advanced – 4/A (100%)Proficient – 3/B (88%)Developing – 2/D (70%)Beginning—1/F (64%) Habitat Diagram I’ve done everything to earn.


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Presentation transcript:

CriteriaStudent Grade Advanced – 4/A (100%)Proficient – 3/B (88%)Developing – 2/D (70%)Beginning—1/F (64%) Habitat Diagram I’ve done everything to earn a score of Proficient, plus: I included many details in my drawing. I labeled more than 4 features that would be selective pressures. My picture of the habitat captures the major features of the land or water. My picture shows the actual colors of the habitat. I labeled at least 4 features that would be selective pressures in the habitat. My picture shows some features of the land or water. My picture includes some color but may not be actual to the habitat. I labeled at least 3 features that would be selective pressures OR the 3 features I label would not be major selective pressures. My picture only shows 1-2 aspects of the land or water OR is very ambiguous. My picture is not in color. I only labeled 1-2 features that would be as selective pressure. Habitat Description I’ve done everything to earn a score of Proficient, plus: ●I described more than 4 features that would be selective pressures on my critter. ●My descriptions are very vivid and detailed. I clearly described the main, well-known features of the land or water that makes up the habitat. I described at least 4 features of the habitat that would be selective pressures on my critter. I described some of the features of the land or water. I described 3 features that would be selective pressures on my critter. I described few features of the habitat OR my descriptions are very vague/unclear. I only described 1-2 features of the environment that would be a selective pressure for my critter. Critter Diagram I’ve done everything to earn a score of Proficient, plus: My drawings are very detailed. I labeled more than 4 adaptations. ●I drew and clearly labeled 4 significant adaptations in my critter. ●I wrote my critter’s correct common and scientific names. ●I drew and clearly labeled 3 significant adaptations in my critter, OR the adaptations I label are not clear, OR one adaptation is unclear ●I wrote my critter’s correct common name. ●I drew and labeled 1- 2 adaptations, OR the characteristics I label are not adaptations for the critter ●I wrote an inaccurate or no common name. Adaptations (weight x 2) I’ve done everything to earn a score of Proficient, plus: I clearly described how more than 4 adaptations increased the chances of survival and/or reproduction for the critter. My descriptions are very detailed and clear. I clearly described how each of the 4 adaptations increased the chances of survival and/or reproduction for the critter. My descriptions show that I have an accurate understanding of adaptation. I described how 3 adaptations increased the chances of survival and/or reproduction for the critter. My descriptions show that I have a basic understanding of adaptation. ●I described how 1-2 adaptations increased the chances of survival and reproduction for the critter. ●My descriptions show that my understanding of adaptation is inaccurate or incomplete. Name: _____________________________________________ First Encounter with the Critter You should turn in your folder with critter project and this rubric on the due date.

Analysis Paragraph I’ve done everything to earn a score of Proficient, plus: My paragraph is written in my own voice and expresses a complex understanding of natural selection. I checked the correct statement. I clearly explained how scientists understand that evolution happens through natural selection—not acquired characteristics. I checked the correct statement. I explained how evolution happens through natural selection but do not clearly refute acquired characteristics. I may or may not have checked the correct statement. My explanation of natural selection is very unclear or I explain acquired characteristics. Conventions & Style I’ve done everything to earn a score of Proficient, plus two of the following: I maintained the audience’s interest by doing at least one of the following ●varying syntax and sentence structure ●choosing precise of language ●I have only a few errors, and my errors do not interfere with the reader’s interpretation of my message. ●The style of my writing or speech and my use of vocabulary is academic and appropriate for the intended audience and topic. ●I demonstrated control of Standard English. ●I cited any information (including pictures) that I got from outside sources. ●I have many different types of errors. OR My errors interfere somewhat with the reader’s interpretation of my ideas. ●The style of my writing or speech and my use of vocabulary is not consistently academic and appropriate for the intended audience or topic. ●I have some control of Standard English, but it is not consistent. ●I cited some information (including pictures) that I got from outside sources. ●My errors seriously interfere with the reader’s interpretation of my message. ●The style of my writing or speech is not academic; it is too informal. ●I have little control of Standard English conventions, sentence structure, and grammar. ●I did not cite information (including pictures) that I got from outside sources. Natural Selection (weight x 2) I’ve done everything to earn a score of Proficient, plus: I demonstrated an accurate understanding of evolution through natural selection in my paragraph. My paragraph is cohesive and written in my own voice. I clearly wrote about each bullet point below. I clearly wrote about 3-4 of the points below. I wrote about two of the points below.  I described variations that could have existed in an ancestral species of my critter.  I made it clear that these variations are inherited genetically from parents.  I described how one variation would have been favorable in the habitat.  I described how there would be overproduction of offspring.  I described the struggle for existence for the ancestral species.  I explained how the above would lead to differential survival and reproduction for the variation that has the adaptation of my modern-day critter.  Vocabulary: variation, adaptation, inherit, survive, reproduce, extinct, mutations. Comments: ***You must cite any sources (books, websites, etc.) that you use for information with that section of the project.***