Preparatory Seminar for HKIE-STL Examination,Dec., 2009 By Dr. K.S.Law
Objective of the Exam--Test candidates’ abilities to carry out structural design as in a professional design office; Alternate schemes/solutions—distinct and viable observe client’s requirements stability The client’s requirements. This is very important. The candidates must read and study the client’s requirements very carefully. A Failure Point e.g. clear spacing/span. column/structure free
–Fire resistance--- concrete covers and member sizes. –Reserve area. –Codes of practice. –Site/Ground conditions.
–Detail design--- prepare sufficient calculations to establish the size of all the principal structural elements including the foundations.—annotated sketches; load path –Drawing details--- for construction purposes for taking off quantity for cost estimation
–the Drawings-- framing plans, sections and elevations –give dimensions, layout and disposition of the structural elements.
–Method Statement. –Build a safe structure. –The construction programme
–Proper hand writing –Draw properly with clear dimensions/disposition. –Freehand sketches are acceptable provided that they are approximately to scale. –Answer all parts of the question.