Paul’s Four Aims in Life Philippians 3:8-12. What Are Your Aims in Life? Education, job, money, house, etc. Marriage, family, etc. What earthly aims did.


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Presentation transcript:

Paul’s Four Aims in Life Philippians 3:8-12

What Are Your Aims in Life? Education, job, money, house, etc. Marriage, family, etc. What earthly aims did Paul have before his conversion? What heavenly aims did Paul have after his conversion? Read Acts 22:1-21 Paul mentions four of his aims in Philippians 3:8-12

“That I May Gain Christ” Paul’s first aim in life was to gain (win) Christ; to partake of what Christ offers; to be found in him; to be righteous Paul previously had gained a great standing and earthly recognition (Gal. 1:13-14) To “gain Christ” is to make him one’s own; to appropriate him in one’s life so as to become full or complete (Mt. 13:44-45; Eph. 1:3; Col. 2:6-7)

“That I May Gain Christ” Paul previously had been found in social circles and the law (Phil. 3:5-6) One is “found in him” when one is baptized into Christ and has put on Christ (Jn. 15:1-5; Gal. 3:27)

“That I May Know Him” Paul’s second aim in life was to be like Christ in his death and resurrection; like Christ in every way he could Paul previously had known many great Jews and known about Jesus (Acts 26:9) To “know” Christ is not mere intellectual knowledge, but close communion, fellowship, and experience (Jn. 17:3; Gal. 2:20; Eph. 4:13; Phil. 1:21; 4:13; 2 Tim. 1:12; 1 Jn. 2:3)

“That I May Attain Unto the Resurrection” Paul’s third aim in life was to be raised with the righteous Paul previously believed in a resurrection, but he would not have been raised with the righteous; all will be raised, but not all will be raised to eternal life The “resurrection from the dead” refers to the specific resurrection of the righteous dead (unto life) apart from the wicked dead (Lk. 14:14; 20:35; Jn. 5:28-29; Acts 24:15; 1 Cor. 15:23)

“That I May Lay Hold” Paul’s fourth aim in life was to lay hold on (seize) the purpose for which Christ had laid hold on him Paul wanted to lay hold on (seize) the work that he was called to do as an apostle and Christian (Acts 20:20-27; Rom. 1:14-15;.1 Cor. 9:19-23) The great calling to serving God should not be one- sided, but we should seize our work wholeheartedly and without excuse (Ex. 3:10 – 4:17; Jer. 1:4-10)

Paul’s Four Aims in Life Paul’s four aims can be yours: to win Christ, to know him, to attain to the resurrection, and to lay hold on our calling But, you have to be changed like Paul was changed in Damascus (Acts 22:1-21) A change in Paul led to a change in Paul’s aims … what do you need to change today?