Aim 2 & 4 Integration
Objectives of Aims 2 & 4 Aim 2 Develop multi-scaled modeling program to assess forest management systems Aim 4 Life cycle, policy & economic analyses of regional forest management
Aim 2 Deliverables Improved process & hybrid models parameterized from network measurements Predict C pool dynamics at varying scales for alternative land use, management, & climate scenarios Improved growth & yield models with climate inputs & C balance Regional map of potential climate or anthropogenic limitations to productivity Assess tradeoffs between regional C sequestration, forest products, & maintenance of ecosystem services Refinement of forest management modules for integration into DSS Prototype carbon management decision support tools to solicit structured feedback - Forest Management Refinement of climate scenario modules for integration into DSS Prototype carbon management decision support tools to solicit structured feedback - Climate Scenarios Refinement of climate, land use, genetics, pests/fire risk, fertilizer modules for integration into DSS Prototype & refine carbon management decision support tools to solicit structured feedback - Climate, land use, genetics, pest/fire risk, fertilizers
Aim 4 Deliverables Assessment of policies & programs that may affect C mitigation in planted pine forests Regional market impacts modeled based on business-as-usual assumptions NPV analysis & regional market impacts of adaptive management impacts Document landowner adoption of mitigation and adaptation strategies Life cycle inventory for key physiographic regions Cradle to gate life cycle inventory for wood products Cradle to gate life cycle inventory for pulp & paper products Bioeconomic modeling of nontimber market ecosystem services Landowner & regional economic losses from altered disturbance risks
Potential Areas for Integration/Cooperation Aim 2 milestonesIn commonAim 4 milestones Improved growth & yield models with climate inputs & C balance Regional map of potential climate or anthropogenic limitations to productivity Productivity NPV analysis of adaptive management impacts Refinement of climate, land use, genetics, pests/fire risk, fertilizer modules for integration into DSS Prototype & refine carbon management decision support tools to solicit structured feedback - Climate, land use, genetics, pest/fire risk, fertilizers Pest/fire risk Genetics (Aim 3) Economic losses from altered disturbance risks NPV analysis of adaptive management impacts Predict C pool dynamics at varying scales for alternative land use, management, & climate scenarios C Life cycle inventory for key physiographic regions
Aim 4 Input needed from Aim 2 – Improved growth/yield models for NPV analysis – C pool dynamics for LCA – Regional climate change scenarios (done) Output from Aim 4 – NPV with mitigation and adaptation strategies – Lifecycle carbon consequences – Economic impact of climate-induced disturbances
Potential Overlap Forest productivity estimation Pest/fire risk estimation Yet, approaches and the breath/depth of analyses may be different.
Action Items Continue discussion on inputs/outputs needed to add value to the process Coordinate the schedules of connecting activities Identify researchers involved in integration/cooperation