The Progressive Movement
Why the Progressive Movement? Progressives wanted to: Protect social welfare Promote moral improvement Create economic reform Foster efficiency
Progressives People Actions Philosophies * Populists *Labor Leaders *Social Reformers *Middle-class *Women *College-educated *Fight Against Poverty *Regulate Corporations *Make Social Reforms *End Corruption in Government *Progress *Science *Active Government *Technology *Protestant Moral Values
Accomplishments of Progressives Local LevelState LevelFederal Level Commission System City Manager Plan Direct Primary Initiative Referendum Recall Pure Food &Drug Act Meat Inspection Act Interstate Commerce Commission
Robert M. La Follete: Served in Congress before running for governor of Wisconsin in He targeted big business and forced them out of politics.
Muckraker A journalist who exposed the corrupt side of business and public life in the early 1900s.
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair This muckraker exposed the meat packing industry. Because of him we learned about all the tasty tidbits they put in our breakfast sausage.
1906 Banned impure or mislabeled foods and drugs.
1906 Provided for federal meat inspection. (No more rats!)
So, what was going on in the political world?
William McKinley elected president (R) McKinley re-elected McKinley assassinated. Vice President Teddy Roosevelt becomes youngest president ever to serve office T.R. elected president (R) William Howard Taft elected president (R) way race for president. Woodrow Wilson (D) wins.
Teddy Roosevelt Served 2 Terms as President Served 2 Terms as President Took over after Mckinley was assassinated. Took over after Mckinley was assassinated. Was known as a Roughrider during the SAW. Was known as a Roughrider during the SAW.
Under TR: if you were a good trust and allowed the federal government to regulate your actions, you were left alone. If you were a bad trust and ignored the federal government, then Teddy Roosevelt busted up the trust into a bunch of smaller businesses. “Speak softly and carry a big stick!”
1906 Along with the Interstate Commerce Commission & the Sherman Antitrust Act, this Act allowed the government to regulate the railroads by allowing the ICC to set maximum railroad rates.
John Muir: Muir was a big preservationist. He wanted federally controlled lands to be left alone so they could be enjoyed by Americans for their natural beauty and splendor.
Conservation To use limited resources wisely. Preservation To keep something as it is.
Created to protect the natural beauty of selected federal land
Gifford Pinchot, who was the chief adviser to TR on natural resources in this country, favored using federally controlled lands for parks and refuges. He also believed that natural resources on the land should be used productively.
Restore dry western lands back to productivity through irrigation
Teddy Roosevelt as a socially responsible president Sought control over large corporations (Trustbuster) Mediated coal strike Activated Sherman Antitrust Act Established “Square Deal” Policy Regulated railroads through the Hepburn Act Did not call in federal troops Ordered arbitration Ended Strike
Taft led the Republicans in His time in office split the Republican Party in two for the 1912 election. He led the conservative half, the progressive half broke away and was led by Teddy Roosevelt. I’m hungry!!
TR did not like what Taft did to his Republican Party so he split off and formed the Progressive “BULL MOOSE” Party. This would cost both Taft and TR the Presidency.
Socialist Party of America led by Eugene V. Debs Socialists believe that workers should control both business and the government. Socialists gained their support from the foreign born, farmers, and labor organizers. Their leader was Eugene V. Debs who would run for president in 1912 and get at least 6% of the popular vote. Their goal was to improve the conditions of the American worker.
The Republican Candidate: William Howard Taft The Progressive Candidate (Bull Moose): Theodore Roosevelt (a.k.a. TR) The Socialist Candidate: Eugene V. Debs The Democratic Candidate: Woodrow Wilson The 1912 Presidential Election
Democrat Woodrow Wilson won the 1912 presidential election because the Republican Party was too divided to be able to get enough votes.
1.Made it more difficult for monopolies to form 2.People who ran a company could be held personally responsible if the company violated the law 3.Made strikes, peaceful picketing and boycotts legal
And What of Civil Rights? A Retreat –1896 Plessy vs. Ferguson Jim Crow Laws –Mandated de jure segregation Poll Taxes, Literacy Tests
Booker T. Washington Founded the Tuskegee Institute Pushed for accommodation –Learn a trade, show the white community they need African-Americans
W.E.B. DuBois: African American leader who helped found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People(NAACP) in This organization fought for equality and against discrimination. Opposed ideas of Washington
16th Amendment Allowed government to collect income tax.
17th Amendment Voters of each state elected their senators directly.
18th Amendment Went in to effect in 1919 – Prohibited the manufacture, sale, and public consumption of alcohol
19th Amendment Women acquire universal suffrage throughout the U.S.