Hazard Mitigation Funding Programs
Current Florida Mitigation Programs 1.Hazard Mitigation Grant Program* (HMGP) Hazard Mitigation 3.Pre-Disaster Mitigation* (PDM) 4.Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) 5.Repetitive Flood Claims (RFC) 6.Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) And we can read about them here…..
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Local Mitigation Strategy Workgroups-LMS Working group based in each county in Florida Usually meets monthly Evaluates/Prioritizes list of eligible projects Assist with grant sponsorship if required (See handout)
Pre - Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) Repetitive Flood Claims (RFC) 406 Hazard Mitigation Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Federal Mitigation Funding Opportunities (Unified Hazard Mitigation Programs )
Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program Eligible projects Voluntary acquisition Relocation of public or private structures Elevation of existing structures Retrofitting for wind, flood or other hazards
Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program Eligible projects continued Studies/analyses for project design & feasibility Vegetation management (dunes or wildfire) Protective measures for utilities Storm water management projects Local flood control projects
Flood Programs Flood Mitigation Assistance Program (FMA) Repetitive Flood Claims Program (RFC) Severe Repetitive Loss Program (SRL)
Eligible Flood Projects Acquisition, demolition, or structure relocation (FMA, RFC, SRL) Elevation of structure (FMA, SRL) Dry flood-proofing (FMA, SRL) Flood control projects (FMA, SRL) Mitigation Reconstruction (SRL) All properties must be insured through the National Flood Insurance Program at the time of application, as well as meet the eligibility definitions of repetitive loss properties.
Planning Requirements Per DMA 2000, all Applicants & Sub-applicants must have a FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plan to be eligible to receive project grant funding under FEMA programs in accordance with 44 C.F.R. Part 201.
Unified Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program FEMA has combined the pre-disaster mitigation funding programs into a single unified hazard mitigation program. The rational for combining includes: –Places each program eligibility under one cover; –Outlines both the common elements and spell out the unique differences so that users can easily identify key similarities and differences; –Create a platform for future updating and requirements of program activities to make them unified and user-friendly; and –Eliminates any duplication or inconsistent program policies.
Eligible Applicants/Sub-Applicants Eligible Applicants State Emergency Management Offices or similar offices of the state’s designation to serve as the applicant for each program. Eligible Sub-Applicants Only the following entities are eligible to apply for funding grants under the Mitigation Assistance Programs: –State level agencies and state institutions; –Federally recognized Indian Tribal Governments that participate in the NFIP; –Public and Tribal colleges and universities (PDM only); –Local jurisdictions with that participate in the NFIP; and –Private Non-Profit (PNP) organizations and individuals are not eligible sub- applicants; however, an eligible sub-applicant may act on their behalf and apply to the applicant to mitigate a private or PNP property.
Unified Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program Application Period Key Points All programs are subject to availability of federal appropriation of funding. Application cycle begins June 19, 2008 and closes on December 19, However, the State may have an application deadline that ends prior to the December 19. Applications must be submitted through the E-grants system by December 19, 2008 at 11:59:59 PM Eastern Standard Time. Applications not funded under one specific grant program may be eligible for funding under another grant program. Sub-applicants seeking this option must include a statement in the grant application under the “comments field” indicating interest to have sub- application considered for other grants.
The PDM program will provide funds to states, territories, Indian tribal governments, and local communities on an annual basis for all-hazard hazard mitigation planning and the implementation of mitigation projects prior to a disaster event. PDM grants are to be awarded on a competitive basis and without reference to state allocations, quotas, or other formula-based allocation of funds. Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM)
Current Pre-Disaster Mitigation Funding $114 million for FY ‘08 –Total State cap is $17M in FY ’08 –New plans capped at $1,000,000 Fed share –Plan updates capped at $500,000 Fed share –Projects capped at $3,000,000 Fed share 75 / 25 cost share
Pre-Disaster Mitigation Eligible Activities Acquisition / relocation Elevation Structural retrofitting (wind/water) Safe rooms Vegetation management Localized flood control activities Storm water management Protective measures for utilities
The FMA program provides funding to assist in implementing measures to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of flood damage to structures insurable under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). FMA was created with the goal of reducing or eliminating claims under the NFIP. FMA is a pre-disaster grant program. Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA)
Flood Mitigation Funding Limits Planning Grants –Not more than once every 5 years –$150,000 to any State agency applicant –$50,000 to any community applicant Project Grants –Will not exceed $3,300,000 to any community during any 5 year period –75 / 25 cost share
Acquisition / relocation Elevation Dry flood-proofing of non-residential structures Minor structural flood control activities Beach nourishment activities Private Non Profits are NOT eligible applicants Flood Mitigation Eligible Activities
Repetitive Flood Claims provides funding to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of flood damage to structures insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). RFC grants are to be awarded on a nation-wide competitive basis and without reference to state allocations, quotas, or other formula-based allocation of funds. All RFC grants are eligible for up to 100 % federal cost assistance if the community cannot meet the requirements of the Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) program because it cannot provide the non-federal cost share, or do not have the capacity to manage the activities. Repetitive Flood Claims (RFC)
Repetitive Flood Eligible Activities Acquisition / relocation Elevation Dry flood-proofing of non-residential structures Minor localized flood control $10,000,000 national allocation $1,000,000 per project limit FEMA will select the most cost effective properties as demonstrated through a Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA).
Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) Provides funding to reduce or eliminate the long term risk of flood damage to severe repetitive loss residential structures insured under NFIP. a. at least 4 NFIP claims >$5,000 each and cumulatively exceeds $20,000; or b. for which two separate claim payments have been made that exceed the market value of the building c. at least 2 of the referenced claims must have occurred within any 10 year period
Severe Repetitive Loss Eligible Activities Acquisition / relocation Elevation Minor localized flood reduction projects Dry flood-proofing of non-residential structures 160 Million appropriated for FY ’08 75 / 25 cost share, 90/10 in some cases
Kenner La. Post Disaster Mitigation Funding Opportunities
2 Sources of Mitigation Funding/Requirements Public Assistance (406) –Damaged by the event-site specific mitigation –Located within defined declaration area –Can not be used for private property –Project can not be eligible under any other federal program –Facility must be in active use at time of the disaster Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (404) –Damaged from any natural event, not just declared event –Can be used on private property –Project can not be eligible under any other federal program –Must be cost effective and meet other performance criteria
The HMGP provides funding after a declared disaster to support the State / Local Hazard Mitigation plans by funding Hazard Mitigation measures that are in line with the respective plans. Assists state and local governments in using safer building practices and improving existing structures and supporting infrastructure. 75/25 funding level Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Eligible Activities Acquisition of structures / property Elevation of residential structures Elevation or dry-flood proofing of non-residential structures Minor flood control projects Reconstruction of substantially damaged residential structures Planning activities that develop a FEMA approved Hazard Mitigation or Flood Mitigation Plan
The Application Process for All Mitigation Grant Programs State opens application cycle. Application cycle ends. Grants sent to FDEM-Mitigation Section State review all submitted application for completeness and eligibility: –LMS Compliance –Technical Feasibility –Cost effectiveness –Environmental soundness –Program eligibility State recommends and submits complete, cost-effective and eligible projects to FEMA for funding consideration If the application is approved for funding by FEMA, State begins the project/grant management process
Regional Domestic Security Task Forces Coordinates EM services in given region Schedules training, interagency exercises Coordinates spending of grant dollars rollout out from FDEM & FDOH and other agencies
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