1. Pay debts 2. Raise money Ex. To expand business
Buy 1 $30 Price rises to $50/sh. You sell Your profit = _____? ◦ $20 What if you’d initially purchased 100 shares? ◦ $2,000
1/25 th or 4% (2011= $6.2B)
Facebook: 2.8 billion shares / 2, 800, 000, 000
Past century ( ) Stock Market rate of return = 6%/yr Investment of $1,000 = ______ ? ◦ earn $60 at yr’s end (on average) Current average return for savings account = 1%/yr Investment of $1,000 = _______ ? ◦ earn $10 at yr’s end GUARANTEED
Stock Purchaser Brokerage Firm Corporation $$ Stock
1. NYSE The New York Stock Exchange est. in 1792 Co.’s must meet size & profitability requirements to be traded on NYSE Over 3,000 co.’s traded on NYSE
2. NASDAQ National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations est Mostly tech. stocks No floor for trading Over 5,300 co.’s traded on this market
3. AMEX The American Stock Exchange Est originally known as NYCE (NY Curb Exchange) 700 co.’s traded on AMEX