YOUNG ADULTHOOD By Corey Harris and Rey Soto
INTRODUCTION The stages of Young adulthood occurs from ages 20 to 40. This is the period when people are more into their personal, social life. Relationships, commitment, choices, and completence are some of the things people establishes with during the period.
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Most people are at the peak of physical capabilities You develop growth, height, sexual characteristics Stress can become an health threat Obesity is a significant problem in young adults.
COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Young adults identify career goals and prepare to achieve them Develop new skills, hobbies, and adult interest. Move into taking responsibilities Decision making
The leading causes of death among young adults (ages 25-34) are Accidents Aids Cancer Heart Disease Suicide Once you hit age 35 and up things like Illness, and Disease are more likely
SOCIAL PERSONALITY IN MEN AND WOMAN Young men engage in more risk behaviors during adolescence than woman Young men are more likely to drink alcohol at an early age Young men are more likely to engage into criminal activities, (join gangs, sell drugs, carry guns) Woman are more likely to enroll and finish school than men.
EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Most adults will move into adult relationships with their parents Establish their body image Carry some feeling of invincibility.
SIGMUND FREUD THEORY The three elements of personality known as Id, Ego, Superego ID Part of the mind that just wants pleasure. Its very important early in life, because it ensures that an infant's needs are met An infant will cry until it gets what it wants.
CONTINUED…. EGO Reality part of mind. Constantly in battle with your id, superego It tells you when it’s the right time to do something. It also functions with your unconscious mind, which is anything that goes on in your mind that you don’t remember, nor have control over.
CONTINUED… SUPEREGO The superego acts to perfect and civilize our behavior. Meant to make you feel bad Tells you, you’ve did wrong Responsible for your guilt
ERIK ERIKSON THEORY Intimacy vs Isolation This period covers the period of young adulthood when people are exploring personal relationships Having a strong sense of personal identity was important for developing inmate relationships Your more likely to suffer from emotional isolation if you have a poor sense of self.
INTIMACY When people come close to one another Have a sense of who you are Two people coming together to make a whole
ISOLATION When people don’t want any type of relationship with friends, lovers. Separating yourself from society, meaningful relationships. People that isolate themselves from society are usually lonely and depressed.
BIBLIOGRAPHY (Mental health center), N.D. March 26, of-stress-on-your-body (Social relations and personality in young adulthood: Stability and change over a 14-week interval)Purdue university e-pubs, N.D. March 6, (Erikson Stages of Psychology Development), N.D. March 6, (Personality's traits change in adulthood)NCBI, N..D. March 6, (Personal Development: Adolescence and young adulthood), N.D. March 6,