Ingeniero Pedro Mulás Energy Efficiency
Round table Nº 2: Energy Efficiency A)Status: 1.- Several L.A. Countries, like Argentina, do not have well defined and established Energy Efficiency Policies. 2.- In this context, Energy Efficiency work in all sectors were partial and discontinuous mostly following Governments short range necessities. 3.- In Argentina, prices of energy products (oil, nat, gas, electricity) are clearly below international prices due to political conveniences. This discourage investments for primary Energy offer improvements as well as minimize consumers interests for energy efficiency efforts. B) What can be done? 1.- Develop an strategy to start working with null or a minimum government involvement, aiming to develop its interest after results be showed.
IANAS NATIONAL ACADEMI A Joint effort Private consulting + Tech. Universities and Centers (INTI) INDUSTRIAL SECTOR (31,8%) PETRO CHEM REFIN.METALURG.FOODLEATHERGLASS & CEMENTS Guidance & Supports Councelling “Doers” “Partners”
Obtain ENERGY information from the industrial unit. (Questionnaire)Validate Info from questionnaire through plan visit by consultant Analize Energy systems and processesDevelop optimized Energy Balance + Economics of ImprovementsDevelop and implement and Action Plan Install an Energy Management System Metodology
RESIDENTIAL SECTOR (21%) Size: some 10 million residential homes Strategy Report trough all possible media the benefits people can obtain from the URE Plan. Educate people about best practices at home to cut Energy costs with out affecting their life quality. This is already available as Cetap S.A. edited a full practice Manual for Home Energy Saving Practices. Speed up labeling appliances related to their energy efficiency. (follow forgeing examples: IADE - Spain – California State U.S.A.). Set benefits for good performance.
Transportation (26,1%) Sea & RiversTrainTrucks & Vans All three: 1.- “Conduct trough cost analyses, by cualified consultants” 2.- Develop a Transportation Energy efficiency Policy based on Economics results. No financial sources are being suggested at this early stage.
Remarks This plan is suggested to be considered by Argentina Authorities. However with the necessary adjustments could be a guide for those L.A. Countries where little or no efforts have yet been done. Thank you very much Ing. Pedro Mulás