Navilyst Medical – Proprietary & Confidential Xcela ® PICC with PASV ® Valve Technology Regina General Hospital References: Dr. Shantilal M. Lala, FFRAD, FRCP(S) Lorna Montanini, RTR Pre-PASVPost-PASV PICCS placed by:IRs Catheter used:Bard Solo ® Xcela ® PASV Total # PICCs placed:4268 # of PICCS replaced268 Replacement rate:62%12%
Navilyst Medical – Proprietary & Confidential Xcela ® PICC with PASV ® Valve Technology References: Louise Oak, RN and Carol Barker Porte, RN Vascular Access Resource Nurses Pre-PASVPost-PASV month trial PICCS placed by:Nurses Catheter used:Bard Groshong ® Bard Solo ® Xcela ® PASV Total # PICCs placed:~ Doses of t-PA used: t-PA usage rate: ~2.3 doses/catheter ~3.8 doses/catheter 0.02 doses/catheter
Navilyst Medical – Proprietary & Confidential Xcela ® PICC with PASV ® Valve Technology Pre-PASVPost-PASV Feb 1 - June 30, 2010Oct 12, Jan 31, 2011 PICCS placed by:Nurses Catheter used:Bard Solo ® Xcela ® PASV Total # PICCs placed: Doses of t-PA used:19094 t-PA usage rate:0.67 doses/catheter0.49 doses/catheter Total number of occlusions Occlusion rate:0.78 occlusions/catheter0.68 occlusions/catheter Reference: Nancy Freisen, RN St. Boniface General Hospital 27 % Reduction in TPA Usage 13% Reduction in Occlusions