What are prototype boards:- Breadboards are a type of prototype board used to test circuits. Wires and components are simply pushed into the holes to form a completed circuit and power can be applied. One of the main advantages of using a breadboard is that the components are not soldered and if they are positioned incorrectly they can be moved easily to a new position on the board.
Understanding the breadboard Rows are numbered and columns are lettered for location purposes. Power travels horizontally along the numbered rows. Works the same way as strip board, where the rows replace the need for wiring. Components are pushed into the holes, so they cross over the rows. The green arrows show the direction of the current. - + - +
Prototype board task:- Use two pieces of wire and crocodile clips as a switch.
Strip boards (often called Vero board) Strip board is a widely used type of electronics prototyping board characterized by a 2.5mm regular grid of holes, with wide parallel strips of copper cladding running in one direction all the way across one side of the board. Electricity passes through the copper strips and components and wires are used to cross over and create circuits.
Convert solder less breadboard to soldered strip board.
Take out each component from the breadboard as and when you need it for soldering. This will help you remember where to solder the components in. Try to line up the breadboard holes with the strip board ones and use the same numbered rows. First place the 9V battery socket holder in place and solder.