“The Tree House” Author: Lois Lowry Genre: Realistic Fiction
Line 1 : outside inside shiny dull beautiful ugly Pairs of words that are antonyms or opposites. Name some antonyms you know.
outside / inside
shiny / dull
beautiful / ugly
Line 2 : open close down up wide narrow top bottom Pairs of words that are antonyms or opposites. Name some antonyms you know.
open / close
down / up
wide / narrow
top / bottom
Line 3 : board bored for four no know hole whole Homophones: words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings. Name other homophones. (to/too/two, there/their/they’re, here/hear)
board / bored
for / four
no / know
hole / whole
Line 4: hung rehung take retake make remake Verbs with the prefix re-. What does the prefix re- mean? (again) How does the meaning of each word change by adding the prefix?
hung / rehung
take / retake
make / remake
Line 5: trunk tree branches wood These words are related. How are they related? (all related to trees) Can you add your own words to the list? (leaves, buds, birds, squirrels, forest)
trunk tree wood branches
Line 6: into with lift visit window These words are found in the story, and review the /i/ sound.
into with
visit lift
Sentence 1: The boards were crooked, and the roof had holes where the pieces of wood didn’t quite meet. Which word has a homophone? (hole) What would the homophone be? (whole) Give me a definition for each word.
Sentence 2: Chrissy wondered what Leah had inside her tree house. Can you find a word line that has words that are related to “tree house”? (Line 5)
Sentence 3: There was a little porch where you could sit with your legs dangling. Can you identify a word that has an antonym? (little) Can you give its antonym? (big)
Sentence 4: You can get fresh air if you lift open a window. Which words contain the /i/ sound spelled i ? (if, lift, window)
Oral Language
L 1: outside inside shiny dull beautiful ugly L 4: hung rehung take retake make remake L 3: board bored for four no know hole whole L 2: open close down up wide narrow top bottom Choose a word and only call out the line and the position of the word. (example, “Line 1, Word 3”= shiny) on dark happy asleep big soft say an antonym for each of these words. L 5: trunk tree branches wood L 6: into with lift visit window