® Business Reply Mail & Intelligent Mail Barcode Karen Tucker Manager Transaction Mail
2 Effective May 1, 2011, all Business Reply Mail ® (BRM) letters and cards are required to bear an Intelligent Mail ® barcode (IMb) POSTNET™ and PLANET CODE ® barcodes will be retired This requirement applies to BRM letters and cards regardless of the distribution method Intelligent Mail Barcode & Reply Mail
3 Barcode ID Service Type ID Mailer ID (MID) Serial NumberRouting Code or 9 digits Unique 6 or 9 digit serial # is optional 9-digit ZIP + 4 Code assigned to BRM Without – Origin Confirm With – Origin Confirm Barcode ID Service Type ID Mailer ID (MID) Serial NumberRouting Code Open digits to uniquely identify each mailpiece. MID is not required with Origin CONFIRM 9-digit ZIP + 4 Code assigned to BRM Business Reply Mail IMb
4 USPS will process all BRM after the May 2011 deadline, with or without an IMb Basic BRM and High Volume BRM mailers charged the prevailing price for all mailpieces Qualified Business Reply Mail (QBRM) customers must submit pre-production samples for approval Once approved, all eligible mailpieces, including pieces bearing a POSNET barcode will qualify for QBRM prices Permit holders currently approved for QBRM prices must have samples with IMb approved, but do not need to reapply for QBRM service TRANSITION FROM POSNET TO IMB
5 HORIZONTAL BARS - Mailers who design BRM with IMbs, have the option to omit the horizontal bars FIM C - Effective May 2011, FIM B which is use for with BRM without a barcode will no longer be used Additional Changes
6 Submitted for stakeholder approval Letters to BRM permit holders Postal Bulletin article Mail Pro RIBBS usps.com Communications