PhD program in Computing Science and Engineering Cycle 26 Evaluation study of DTN Routing Protocols for WSN data gothering environment Khalil Massri, Alessandro Vernata Supervisor. Prof. Andrea Vitaletti
A brief overview of our recent work – Evaluating a number of DTN routing protocols proposed recently in the literature using different mobility models in an environment of WSN for information gathering [1]. – We use the java based Opportunistic Network Environment simulator THE ONE [2]THE ONE – We have implemented some RPs and MMs (recently proposed) also modified others already existed in the simulator to adopt our environment.
A proposed simulation senario for WSN data gathering… See video clip snapshot
For now we are using the following RPs – six included routing protocols [2] : Direct Delivery, First Contact, Spray-and-Wait, PRoPHET, Max-Prop and Epidemic. we modify them to rout the message to any sink node – Another three RPs are implemented by us Context aware opportunistic routing (SCAR) [3] Fault-Tolerance Based Adaptive Data Delivery routing (FAD) [4] Routing Based on Fuzzy Decision Mechanism (Fuzzy Spray) [5] With the following Mobility Models – Levy Walk [6] (implemented by us) – Random Waypoint, Random Walk (already implemented in ONE) [2]
1.Our google code project link: 2.[The ONE Simulator for DTN Protocol Evaluation, Ari Keränen, Jörg Ott, Teemu Kärkkäinen] 3.[ Opportunistic Mobile Sensor Data Collection with SCAR, Bence P´asztor, Mirco Musolesi and Cecilia Mascolo] 4.[Delay/Fault-Tolerant Mobile Sensor Network (DFT-MSN): A New Paradigm for Pervasive Information Gathering, Yu Wang, Hongyi Wu] 5.[Fuzzy-Spray: Efficient Routing in Delay Tolerant Ad-hoc Network Based on Fuzzy Decision Mechanism, A. Mathurapoj, C. Pornavalai] 6.[On the Levy-walk Nature of Human Mobility: Do Humans Walk like Monkeys, Injong Rhee et al] References