By Fatima Abdikani and Safiya Noor.
Akhirah is the belief in life after death. It is one of the six pillars of Iman for Muslims. Muslims believe that our life on this earth is a preperation for the next. Testing us on our iman (faith) whether we make the right decisions according to the Deen and the Sunnah of the Prophet or whether we avoid it and go astray. The good will go to Jannah (Paradise) a place which is describes as a garden with flowers and water in the Qur’an, and the bad shall go to Jahanam (hell) a place of torment and pain.
Before meeting your destiny in the next life, Muslims believe they will appear before their Lord to be judged according to the way they lived their lives. The book they will be given to them is their record book, which all their actions during life are recorded and it will be open and presented to them.
Life on Earth: Life is a test from Allah (swt) how we deal with this test will determine what happens in the hereafter. Death: Death is returning to Allah (swt) and if you are those of the believers then it is not something to be feared. Barzakh: Barzakh is a place where souls wait till the Day of Judgement. The word itself means ‘barrier’, and devides the living from the dead. Judgement: On the day of Judgement everyone will stand before the All Mighty Allah (swt). This, is the time it will be too late for forgiveness. The time where no-one can help you.. The time when you regret your actions. What you have done is your responsibility. JANN AH JAHANN AM
Well, lets just say it affects a Muslim a lot. Why? Because, Muslims have to live their life to believe that Allah is aware of everything, as he is the All Knower and All Seer. So they should be doing things in their best ability and have Taqwa in order to go to Paradise. It also gives Muslims motivation to do good and also ask for forgivness. The belief in Akhirah gives Muslims a meaning and purpose in life because they are preparing for the Day Of Judgement when they will be rewarded or punished for the way they have lived on Earth.