Commissioning communities David Tyler, CEO Community Matters Commissioning communities 1200 members, mostly community organisations Reach 3,700+ community organisations 96% manage a community building 56% of buildings owned by LA 25% under £10K turnover Average of £80K turnover Community Matters members Commissioning communities Mostly multi-purpose – education, recreation, welfare Neighbourhood based Advocacy and community voice Independent and neutral Providing and hosting services Community development Strong social value Community Matters members Commissioning communities Why think about commissioning communities? Because Government wants to create a big society Good local knowledge and local relationships Engage with ‘hard-to-reach’ sections of the community Often deliver a more holistic, one-stop approach Ensure the services are well networked, employ local labour and support the local economy Help to spread risk through multiple small-scale delivery Service delivery on a more intimate scale Flexible and responsive Freedom from institutional pressures Strong track record of self-help and user involvement Commissioning communities Context disconnected thinking on how different parts of the sector can thrive and deliver large aggregated contracts, payment by results, loans through the Big Society Bank etc Communities First grants will not fund ongoing running costs Services taken back in-house Commissioning communities Democratising commissioning Serving the needs of individuals AND communities resourcing that is efficient for individuals and communities with lower transaction costs community groups cannot handle high levels of risk or administration alignment with other local public priorities holistic and strategic approaches Commissioning communities Persuading Commissioners and Prime Contractors Need to persuade them of all of the above plus…. shift to preventative measures as part of all commissioned services. NEF 2009 report Backing the Future: Why investing in Children is good for us Community sectors’ trade is principally social capital. This contributes to the outcomes they’re seeking For small sums its better to use grant aid and proportionate monitoring and accountability Use of social clauses and better social value tools Consider alternatives to the Prime Contractor model Consider developmental commissioning modes Commissioning communities Other considerations Information to communities about commissioning opportunities Myth busting Communities shaping services, including where they’re delivered 8 principles of good commissioning –Consult with communities and the third sector –Consult potential providers to shape services –Put outcomes for users at the heart of service planning –Map the full range of providers –Consider investing in the capacity of the provider base –Ensure contracting processes fair and transparent and consider sub-contracting and consortia-building –Ensure long term contracts and risk sharing –Review the process with feedback from service users Communicating added value Management of community buildings Legal and technical support Telephone helpline & advice service consultancy service for members Major consultancy service for LAs Training programmes Publications VISIBLE standards Community Matters services