SHIA Alejandra Ramos Estefanía Villalobos
LOCALIZATION It is practiced in almost the whole country of Iran. A small part of Iraq in Afghanistan. And in the Eastern part of Iraq.
ORIGIN They are descendants of people who were at La Mecca where Mahoma declared about the next prophet. Those people divided into those who agreed with Mahoma´s will and those who disagreed (The Sunnis). Those who agreed with Mahoma are now the Shias.
CONFLICT Mahoma named a new prophet before his dead and a group (Shias) didn´t agree. They denied to follow the chosen ones Abu Bakr, Omar and Uthman. Ali was chosen Caliph but Mu´awiya didn´t recognize him and started a civil war Both parties accepted to choose an independent mediator. But one part of the Ali´s group didn´t agree and formed another group. Ali was killed. Hasan, son of Ali, is deceived to quit.
BELIEFS The tragic destiny of Huseyn, the Fundamental Hitus of Shias. They recognize the five out of the six pillars of Islam. (The Faith, Pray, alms, fast, The Peregrination to La Mecca) The Quran The Sunna Divine Justice instead of Divine Decret.
HOLY PLACES La Mecca Medina Iman Ali Mosque Al-Aqsa Mosque Iman Hussein Mosque