Advance to the next slide to begin your Scavenger Hunt. Click on each button for Scavenger Hunt directions. Make sure you read all the directions before clicking on the link. After you have completed a step, go back to the board to get to the next step. When you have completed all of the steps, hand in your internet safety sheet and internet safety plan.
Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4 Step 5Step 6 Step 7Step 8Step 9Final Step Scavenger Hunt Click on the Icon Cybertour Cyberquiz Social Networking Cyber Bullying Chat Identity Theft Safety Plan Internet Surfing Social Web Tips Spyware
Go to Jo Cool or Jo FoolJo Cool or Jo Fool Take the Cybertour (You only need to go through 4 of the 12 steps) Record the questions you should ask yourself on your internet safety sheet. Click to return to the board
Go to Shannon’s StoryShannon’s Story Read the entire story On your internet safety sheet, identify what information Shannon gave out that could have put her in danger. Click to return to the board
Go to Terrible TextTerrible Text You will need to go to the Video section and find Terrible Text Watch the Video On your internet safety sheet, write down three things to do if you are cyber bullied. Click to return to the board
Go to Beware of Friends and watch the video (you might have to exit the PowerPoint show and go to the internet explorer that is opened on the bottom of your screen)Beware of Friends Go to Google and Google yourself (Put your first and last name in quotes) On your internet safety sheet, record any information that you find Click to return to the board
Go to Safe Internet SurfingSafe Internet Surfing Record your internet surfing IQ (what was your score) on your internet safety sheet. Click to return to the board
Go to Post-to-Be PrivatePost-to-Be Private You will need to go to the Video section and find Post-To-Be Private Watch the Video On your internet safety sheet, write 3 tips to protecting yourself. Click to return to the board
Go to Social Web TipsSocial Web Tips Read the tips and write the one that you feel is the most important on your internet safety sheet. Click to return to the board
Watch SSK Gets SpywareSSK Gets Spyware On your internet safety sheet, write 3 pieces of information spyware can get from your computer. Click to return to the board
Go to CyberquizCyberquiz Take the quiz Record your score on your internet safety sheet. Click to return to the board
Go to Internet Safety PlanInternet Safety Plan Download the Internet Safety Plan and print it out. Complete the Safety Plan. Click to return to the board