Hosted by Mr. Gomez
Force/ Momentum NewtonGravityFriction Final Jeopardy
1,1 A push or pull What is force?
1,2 This is a common example of Newton’s 3 rd law of Motion. What is a Newton’s cradle?
1,3 The force that pulls objects together towards each other. What is gravity?
1,4 This is when two surfaces rub against each other. What is friction?
2,1 The total amount of force applied to an object. What is net force?
2,2 This law states that objects like to stay in the position they are whether resting or moving. What is the 1 st law of motion?
2,3 The force of gravity on a person or object is know as this. What is weight?
2,4 This type of friction occurs when one object moves over the top of the other. What is sliding friction?
3,1 This is the product of mass X velocity. What is momentum?
3,2 The tendency of an object to resist change. What is inertia?
3,3 This is when gravity is the only force acting on a falling object. What is free fall?
3,4 This type of friction happens in liquids or gases. What is fluid friction?
4,1 When two balanced forces go in opposite directions their net force is this. What is zero?
4,2 This law is summed up by: “Action Reaction”. What is the 3 rd law of motion?
4,3 Any object that is thrown What is a projectile?
4,4 A tennis ball moving across a table is an example of this type of friction. What is rolling friction?
5,1 This law states that it’s total will always remain the same unless an outside force acts upon the objects. What is the law of conservation of momentum?
5,2 This law explains how mass and acceleration are related. What is the 2 nd law of motion?
5,3 This is a type of fluid friction that prevents all objects to fall at the same rate. What is air resistance?
5,4 The strength of friction on an object depends on these two things. What are the types of surfaces and how hard surfaces are pushed together?
Final Jeopardy If a person is sitting in the front seat of car traveling at 5 m/s and the car hits a tree, what happens to the person? What do you assume happens to the tree and car? USE VOCABULARY FROM THE CHAPTER!