English 18: American Literature Civil War-1945 Midterm Exam Part 1: Identification (15 points) Directions: Correctly spell the first and last name of the authors of the following passages. 1. Author_____________________________ “I would give up the unessential; I would give my money, I would give my life for my children; but I wouldn’t give myself. I can’t make it more clear; it’s only something which I am beginning to comprehend, which is revealing itself to me.”
Part 2: Multiple Choice (20 points) Directions: Circle the letter next to the most correct answer. 1.In “Tennessee’s Partner,” Tennessee is a.is hanged.b. is shot. c. disappears without explanation. d. almost freezes to death. e. None of the above.f. all of the above.
Part 3: True/False (20 points) Directions: Circle the most appropriate answer. True/False. Realism is a literary technique that strives to depict human beings acting as human beings should act.