M.Frank CERN/LHCb Detector Description Motivations and goals Review and overview Geant4 interface Mokka drivers …
M.Frank CERN/LHCb DD4hep Status
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Design Principles (1) Separation of data and behavior Data are fully accessible (no encapsulation!) Behavioral classes are wrappers around objects containing data only There may be many behavioral wrapper implementations using the same data objects User chooses “most suitable” behavior One “data-object” may be shared among many behavioral wrapper instances
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Design Principles (2) The geometry implementation is based on TGeo(ROOT) Take advantage of existing functionality if necessary extend TGeo has support for alignment, visualization, etc. Increasing usage of the ROOT plugin mechanism instantiate specialized components Detector elements Readout segmentations Sensitive detectors
M.Frank CERN/LHCb [My] Goals for These Two Days Establish a roadmap how to proceed Get an idea which activity to emphasize Use of the detector description in simulation eventually replace existing simulation Use of the detector description in reconstruction emulate (or replace) gear? Use for alignment …
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Geometry Expansion From compact xml file No strict dtd Cascaded xml parsing. Example: Geometry description Geant4 setup Expansion with python possible (=>Pere)
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Display Geometry Recon- struction Geant4 Detector Description: LCDD Sections and Clients Implicitly contains geometry description
M.Frank CERN/LHCb DD4Hep: DetElement Description Detectors Readout Visualization DetElement id name type Envelope [TGeoShape] Log.Volume [TGeoVolume] 0…n volume: 1 visattr: 0…1 0…1 mother 1 Material [TGeoMedium] 1 volumeRef 1 [TGeoMatrix] transform: 1 solidRef 1 detector: 1 materialRef 1 GDML content children 1..n PlacedVolume [TGeoNode] placements: 0…1 Alignment Conditions ROOT only provides the geometry Rest is us
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Shapes and Solids Palette ~complete. New shapes added on demand.
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Specialized Detector Elements Central element of the detector description Describes subdetector hierarchy Requires flexibility and extensibility Flexibility: Specialize the behavior of your DetElement Specialized access to the (sub)detector hierarchy tree Implement specialized wrapper using existing detector element hierarchy Possibility to cache 3 transformations to parent to world to self-defined detector element
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Extended Detector Elements The “flexible” approach with wrappers defines flexible behavior using the same data Pure wrappers tend to be slow if complicated calculations need to be redone for every query It is not possible to store subdetector specific parameters, which are not described by the geometry example: TPC pad-height, pad-width etc. To ensure fast operations specialized wrappers must be able to store extra subdetector parameters and take advantage of local cache local extensible cache must be provided Cannot be planned: different wrappers for the same DetElement may maintain different caches
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Extended Detector Elements Two approaches implemented Extend underlying data object using inheritance Possible once, at construction Attach extension object (see Astrid’s work) Identified by typeinfo Any number of objects Attachments for Simulation Reconstruction …
M.Frank CERN/LHCb DetElement Extensions: Example MyExtension* e = new MyExtension(...); DetElement* d = lcdd.detector(“TPC”); d.addExtension (e); Extension* e = d.extension (); Extensions exist for “DetElement”, “SensitiveDetector” and “Segmentation” objects Extension using inheritance exist for “Segmentation” objects for building fleaxible readout-descriptions Extensions must have a destructor and a copy constructor
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Detector Element Status Detector reflections Require deep copies of DetElement trees Clones extensions For inherited extensions, subclasses must implement “clone” method – acceptable or confusing ?
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Fields Interface present Backend for constant, homogeneous or dipole field User defined fields supported with plugin mechanism <field type="SolenoidMagnet" name="GlobalSolenoid" inner_field="5.0*tesla" outer_field="-1.5*tesla" zmax="SolenoidCoilOuterZ“ outer_radius="SolenoidalFieldRadius" />
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Conventions & Guidelines Stuff to sort out Several decisions should be taken (next slides) Technical stuff – should be simple Need policies for homogeneous code No detector description framework does liberate a user To use the brain It is mandatory, that the DetElement hierarchy is sensible Otherwise you may display the detector but the detector description may not be useful to serve other tasks It would be good if we could establish a set of guidelines how to partition a given subdetector into detector elements
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Conventions: Rotations Rotations: is the notation correct ? theta/phi/psi theta/psi/phi (closer to cylindrical)(around x,y,z axis) (into ring, up, beam) ROOT uses Euler angles (phi, theta, psi) or Geant3 (polar,azimut of all 3 axis) Triviality, things only need to be consistent Need a convention – otherwise this will lead to confusion no end Which is the usual convention ?
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Conventions: Compact Detector Conversion Callbacks now support 1 sensitive detector/subdetector Looks like not suitable for Mokka endcap A – barrel - endcap B are one subdetector But typically have different sensitive detectors Maybe create and register sensitive detectors by hand? No real restriction, but things may become confusing static Ref_t create(LCDD& lcdd, const xml_h& elt, SensitiveDetector& sens) { ECAL ecal(lcdd,elt,sens); return ecal; } DECLARE_DETELEMENT(SEcal03,create);
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Conventions: Compact Detector Conversion Currently 1 high level DetElement/subdetector Obviously OK for SLIC: model design Mokka: endcapA, endcapB and barrel are 1 subdetector Can be combined, but is this good? Possible solution – like for sensitive detectors Drivers create and register the detector elements But why should then be the basic DetElement “special”?
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Thanks, which do not work Wireframe displays currently do not work + probably various other aspects, which only show up once the feature is used (ask Astrid!)
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Next: Geant4
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Geant 4 Gateway (1) Idea: - walk through the geometry starting from “world” - convert the geometry from ROOT to Geant4 - all runs by magic unfortunately this was a little bit naive Geometry is automatically converted to Geant4 Materials Solids Limit sets Regions Logical volumes Placed volumes / physical volumes Fields Sensitive detectors
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Geant 4 Gateway (2) The problem are the sensitive detectors Coupled to the detector construction Coupled to the reconstruction, MC truth and Hit production At LHC each experiment has it’s own set of SDets Is this necessary ? I added two simple sensitive detector types one for tracking devices one for calorimeter devices But I doubt these two are sufficient Hope: a well organized palette of useful SDets Unfortunately I am not very experienced with this topic
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Geant 4 Gateway (3) How should the sensitive detectors be organized ? Sensitive detector hierarchy ? One per subdetector, then dispatch Is it enough to provide a palette of sensitive detectors ? Which fit all possible detectors ? How should they look like ? Which stepping information must be stored ? Sorting out this issue will be essential for “generic” simulation programs
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Geant 4 Gateway Instantiation of sensitive detectors Geant4 setup is performed by cascaded interpretation of second xml input Avoid proliferation of geometry description Setup Geant4 sensitive detectors <sd name="SiVertexBarrel" type="Geant4Tracker" ecut="10.0*MeV" verbose="true" hit_aggregation="position">
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Geant 4 Gateway Field, Steppers & Co. Setup arbitrary objects with name value pairs Used to define steppers and motion equations <attributes name="geant4_field" id="0" type="Geant4FieldSetup" object="GlobalSolenoid" global="true“ eps_max="0.001*mm" stepper="HelixSimpleRunge" equation="Mag_UsualEqRhs">
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Geant4: Proof The basic mechanism works Tried out with the ILDExDet(ector) Geant4 ran on it Saving the ROOT converted Geant4 geometry to GDML and reading it back with ROOT gives an identical result (no vis.attrs.)
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Mokka Conversion First attempt Code not terribly structured Let’s finish with a few nice pictures… All previously encountered problems were encountered
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Model: LDC00_01Sc vxd03
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Model: LDC00_01Sc mask04 sit00 ftd01 lumicalX
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Model: LDC00_01Sc coil00 yoke02 tpc02 lumicalX
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Model: LDC00_01Sc SEcal03
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Model: LDC00_01Sc Geometry needs debugging Visual inspection is probably not enough… I see a gap between ECAL barrel and endcap Is it real (for cables ….)? or is it simply a bug? SEcal03
M.Frank CERN/LHCb This Exercise … Has effectively shown all issues to be sorted out Only the geometry is described Hence the nice pictures but besides these, this detector description is of limited usefulness … say: the brain was not used effectively No sensitive detectors were assigned No logical division into individual DetElements was done Will be next step Should not be too difficult, since logical detector parts tend to follow the main geometrical partitioning such as: Barrel => Staves => Modules
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Alignment
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Alignment Rotate and/or reposition
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Alignment: Usage in xml file <!-- -->
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Alignment The interface is quite rudimentary and primitive Allow the basic actions rotate and reposition shapes defined in the ideal geometry Must evolve with input from users Several uncertainties The addressing of placed volumes is difficult to understand. “Copy” number of volume in mother Is xml the appropriate database format ? How to improve ?
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Backup slides
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Motivation and Goal (1) One detector description for the experiment’s lifecycle DD requirements are not fixed …they depend on experiment life cycle Parameterization of ideal detector After TDR: Transition from parameterized detector to real description Readout structure Alignment constants Calibration constants Detector opt. CDR / LOI Detector opt. Construction TDR Operation LCD is here Shown summer 2011
M.Frank CERN/LHCb Motivation and Goal (2) One detector description for all activities of the experiment Simulation Reconstruction Analysis Operation: Alignment, calibration, etc. Visualization
M.Frank CERN/LHCb [My] Goals for These Two Days Establish a roadmap how to proceed Get an idea which activity to emphasize Use of the detector description in simulation eventually replace existing simulation Use of the detector description in reconstruction emulate (or replace) gear? Use for alignment …
M.Frank CERN/LHCb This is where we want to arrive: SLIC Generic G4 Driver Database (Mokka) get params Geant4 Detailed Geometry create volumes / vis attrs -Reconstruction -Alignment -Analysis Processor(s) Access according to needs detailed geo + visualization attrs Geant4 Visualization Event Display Parametrized Geo. geometry + visualization attrs There would be only one left for all subdetectors and all models Alignment const. Calibration const. Visualization attrs. Detector Description Geometry Expansion feed detailed geometry Shown summer 2011