What are your goals/dreams?
Visual Boards Find images and words that really move you, don’t just cut out any image because it looks “nice”. goals associated with you as a student (advancements, recognition, degrees, training, etc.) health goals (food, exercise – I am learning how to eat even healthier and just took a great grains cooking class to move this goal forward) hobbies or vacations you want to experience quotes you love (Pinterest has hundreds of these!) pictures of clothes, toys, or other fun things you want some day
Health Goals…
Future Self….
How to create a vision board: Supplies Needed: A large variety of Magazines in color (ask your friends, doctors office etc for them) and/or images from your computer like Pinterest pages (print off) Scissors Poster Board or White Paper Glue or Tape Process: Find images that convey your future and your dreams. Cut them out and/or print them out and arrange on a poster. Attach them with glue or tape. Each board is going to be as unique as the individual. Tips and items you should considering incorporating into your board: Ask yourself these questions: What would you do differently when you realize your goal? Where would you travel? Where would you live? What would you wear? What things would you own? How would you feel inside? How you would look outside? What habits would you have? What would you do for work?…Or would you work? Who would you help? Remember to have pictures and images that relate to all areas of your life – Health, Career, Finances, Spirituality, Relationships, etc. Keep it colorful and visual – Your brain thrives on images. Therefore you want very visual descriptions of your dreams. Don’t limit yourself to only pictures. Throw in some visual words that describe the feeling of your dreams once you reach them. Think joy, gratitude, or abundance.