EMT 111/4 Electronic Devices (Peranti Elektronik)
EMT 111- Electronic Devices Lecturer : En. Rosemizi Bin Abd Rahim PPK Komputer & Perhubungan, Tingkat 3, Blok A, Kompleks Pusat Pengajian Jejawi rosemizi@unimap.edu.my Tel : 04-9798914 019-4417174 Pegawai Latihan Vokasional : En. Mohd Fairuz Bin Muhamad Fadzil Taman Semarak mohdfairuz@unimap.edu.my Tel : 04-9853017
EMT 111- Electronic Devices TIME TABLE i) Lecture Tuesday : 1.00 - 3.00 DKS 1 G3,G4 Thursday : 10.00 - 11.00 DKP 2 G4,G3 ii) Lab Wednesday : 1.00 - 3.00 G3 MKG1 Wednesday : 3.00 - 5.00 G4 MKG2
EMT 111- Electronic Devices COURSE IMPLEMENTATIONS Lectures 3 hours per week for 14 weeks (Total = 42 hours) Laboratory 2 hours per week for 11 weeks (Total = 22 hours) Tutorial/ Assignment 2 hours per week for 3 weeks (Total = 6 hours)
EMT 111- Electronic Devices OBJECTIVES To provide the student with a comprehensive understanding of electronic devices. To learn electronic devices such as diode, Bipolar Junction Transistor and Field Effect Transistor Understanding the concept of electronic devices operation Analyze the bias techniques for electronic devices Understanding the application of electronic devices
EMT 111- Electronic Devices COURSE CONTENT CHAPTER 1 - Introduction to Semiconductor Atomic Structures Semiconductors, Conductors, and Insulators Covalent Bonds Conduction in Semiconductor N-Type and P-Type Semiconductor The Diode Biasing the Diode Voltage Current Characteristic of a Diode Diode Models Testing a Diode
EMT 111- Electronic Devices COURSE CONTENT CHAPTER 2 - Diode Applications Half-Wave Rectifiers Full-Wave Rectifiers Power Supply Filters and Regulations Diode Limiting and Clamping Circuits Voltage Multipliers The Diode Data Sheet
EMT 111- Electronic Devices COURSE CONTENT CHAPTER 3 - Special-Purpose Diodes Zener Diodes Zener Diode Applications Varactor Diodes Optical Diodes Other Types of Diodes System Application
EMT 111- Electronic Devices COURSE CONTENT CHAPTER 4 - Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs) Transistor Structure Basic Trans. Operation Transistor Characteristic & Parameters The Transistor as an Amplifier The Transistor as a Switch Transistor Packages and Terminal Identification
EMT 111- Electronic Devices COURSE CONTENT CHAPTER 5 - Transistor Bias Circuits The DC Operating Points Voltage Divider Bias Other Bias Methods
EMT 111- Electronic Devices COURSE CONTENT CHAPTER 6 - Field-Effect Transistors (FETs) The JFET JFET Characteristic & Parameters JFET Biasing The MOSFET MOSFET Characteristic & Parameters MOSFET Biasing
EMT 111- Electronic Devices ASSESSMENT Experiments & 2 Lab Test = 40 % 2 Test /Quizzes / Assignments = 10 % Final Exam = 50 % Total = 100 %
EMT 111- Electronic Devices COURSE MATERIALS Lecture Notes - portal UniMAP Lab Modules - portal UniMAP Text book: T.L Floyd, Electronic Devices, 8th edition, Prentice Hall References and additional reading: Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall Robert T. Paynter, Introductory Electronic Devices and Circuits, 6th Edition, Prentice Hall Donald A. Neamen, Semiconductor Physics and Devices, 3th Edition, McGraw-Hill
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