New Instrumentation within Code Lidars Tom McGee Modified Brewer, PANDORA, MSSM, ShadowBand Spectrometer Jay Herman (MSSM: Multiple Stereo Spectrometer Mission) ACAM Scott Janz (ACAM: Airborne Compact Atmospheric Mapper) GEO-MAC (GEO-CAPE) Instruments Randy Kawa
Lidar: Tom McGee Tropospheric ground-based measurements from the AT Lidar Trailer Delivers profiles of ozone, water vapor, temperature and aerosols (incl. depolarization, color ratios, extinction) Since this is largely an NDACC * instrument, there is the possibility of putting it at the station on Mauna Loa to complement all the measurements made there currently. We also plan to propose this year to continue the NDACC measurements program. Discussions have started (with Dave Whiteman) on a combined water vapor/ozone/aerosol lidar for UAV deployment. This is in its infancy, but would provide a useful set of data products. It would probably be a 3-5 year development timeframe. * Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC) NOAA
Spectrometers: Jay Herman Ground Based: BREWER, PANDORA, SHADOWBAND, AND MSSM (proposed) The GSFC modified Brewer spectrometer is able to measure ozone, aerosols, trace gas amounts (NO2, SO2, HCHO), and ozone profiles. The measurements have been the basis for development of the PANDORA series of spectrometers and MSSM The PANDORA spectrometers consist of two versions: 1) Direct-Sun measurements (NO2, H2O, AOD, O3, SO2, HCHO, CHOCHO, BrO) 2) Sky-Radiance and Direct-Sun Measurements (NO2, H2O, AOD, SSA, O3, SO2, HCHO, CHOCHO, BrO)
Spectrometers: Jay Herman - Continued The Shadowband spectrometer is based on a modification of the GSFC UV-MFRSR. It can measure aerosol properties (AOD & SSA) as a continuous function of wavelength from 320 nm to 900 nm simultaneously. It may also measures trace gases (NO2, H2O, O3, SO2, HCHO, CHOCHO, BrO), but algorithms are not developed. MSSM (Multiple Stereo Spectrometer Mission) is a rectangular CCD set of instruments measuring space and wavelength simultaneously at two different central pointing angles. The purpose is to measure trace-gas and aerosol profiles
Modified Brewer and Two Versions of Pandora
ShadowBand Spectrometer Uses conventional motor and band with filter portion replaced by a fiber optic coupled spectrometer.
New 1)Stereo View 2)Fiber Optic Coupling
ACAM – Scott Janz Aircraft miniature spectrometer Temperature controlled Down looking for Trace Gases GEO-CAPE – Randy Kawa IRAD and IIP developed spectrometer for Geosynchronous mission Steerable high spatial resolution and wide FOV instruments View trace gases and aerosols for special events and for general survey Obtain time dependent measurements to show change and make on-cloud off cloud measurements for tropospheric data.
GEO-CAPE – Randy Kawa IRAD and IIP developed spectrometer for Geosynchronous mission Two potential Goddard Instruments: steerable high spatial resolution and wide FOV instruments View trace gases and aerosols for special events and for general survey Obtain time dependent measurements to show change and make on-cloud off cloud measurements for tropospheric data. UV/Vis Spectrometer Illustration Star Tracker (1 of 2) Calibration Assembly / Calibration Aperture Optical Bench Optics Aperture and Scanning Mirror Gyroscopes Thermal Radiator 1700 mm 860 mm 830 mm From ISAL Multi Discipline Imager (MDI) Illustration 4.5 m3.0 m 1.2 m MDI Instrument UV/Vis Spectr ometer CO Detector Earth
Multi Discipline Imager (MDI) Instrument Mirror stabilization system for image generation will require further development to meet the required precision. MDI Instrument Performance Data Technology Assessment / Development Needs MDI Instrument Concept Multi Discipline Imager (MDI) Illustration Enables scientific objectives of coastal ocean, atmosphere, and biosphere composition. Capable of pointing anywhere on visible Earth hemisphere. Measurement parameters adjustable: dependent on science objective. Steering mirror pointing stability maintained through active jitter compensation for 0.25 arc-sec control and knowledge. Employs three focal planes/bands Two Si: 1k (spectral) x 2k (spatial) Rockwell hybrid focal plane One HgCdTe: 256 x 2k Rockwell hybrid focal plane Coastal OceanAtmosphereBiosphere Spectral Bands (nm) , 1240, , , 2300, , SNR1000 in UV-VIS Spectral Res.1-5 nm1 nm UV, 1-2 nm Vis5-10 nm Spatial Res m1 km250 m Temporal Res.3-6 / day~ hourly3-6 / day Spatial Coverage ~320 km Coastal ocean, estuaries, bays, large lakes and river mouths 200 km Polluted urban areas 200 km Ecosystem area Radiometric Stability 0.1% band-to-band over 10 hours 0.1% band-to-band over 10 hours 0.1% band-to-band over 10 hours 4.5 m3.0 m 1.2 m
UV/Vis Spectrometer Enable hourly revisit measurement of atmospheric pollutants over the Western Hemisphere with emphasis on continental United States at fine spatial and spectral resolution. Measurements complement capabilities of MDI and CO detector instruments respectively. Sample revisit time of 1 hour, during sun illumination, enables measurement of temporal evolution of atmospheric pollution and effects of weather on dispersal and transport. Mission Design Life: 2 years, goal 5 years (consumables sized for 5 years), launch Sept Completed: measurement demonstration and technical feasibility in a NASA Instrument Incubator Program (IIP) development at GSFC. No technical hurdles to UV/Vis spectrometer or spacecraft. Although pointing requirements are commensurate with GOES, suggest additional system modeling and design for steering mirror control feedback. Recommended: – improving read noise on detector subsystem and detector optimization for specific full-well requirements. – demonstration with subset of channels with a simple telescope in an aircraft demonstration. – aspheric single crystal silicon mirror fabrication and test to advance to technology readiness level 6. Performance Data Technology Assessment / Development Needs Measures atmospheric pollutants O 3, aerosols, and precursors NO 2, SO 2, HCHO. Capable of pointing anywhere on visible Earth hemisphere. Single focal plane spectrometer covers continuous band from 300 nm to 480 nm. Signal-to-noise ratio of 720 at 320 nm and 1500 at 430 nm. Steering typical scanned field-of-view: 8° N/S (5000km) x 8° E/W (5000 km). Steering mirror pointing stability maintained through active jitter compensation. Sample spatial resolution 1.25 km N/S x 5.0 km E/W. Spectral resolution: 0.8 nm. Measurement Concept UV/Vis Spectrometer Illustration Star Tracker (1 of 2) Calibration Assembly / Calibration Aperture Optical Bench Optics Aperture and Scanning Mirror Gyroscopes Thermal Radiator 1700 mm 860 mm 830 mm From ISAL
Advanced Technology Investments UV/Vis Current/Future ESTO-IIP funded ($1.37M) GeoSpec Operational breadboard (does not include fine steering mirror) has been completed at GSFC Future investments required: Improved read noise on detector subsystem, optimize for specific full-well requirements Package sub-channel with simple telescope for aircraft demo Aspheric SCS fabrication and test Fine steering mirror feedback system modeling and design Note: Technology investment ($12M/3 y) is included in mission cost but early funding would reduce risk.
Other Instrument Related Activities Satellite, aircraft, and ground-based UV-VIS calibration OMPS-NPP Nadir and Limb Sensor calibration Cloud Absorption Radiometer (CAR) UV calibration and characterization SSBUV ground-based measurements (zenith total ozone retrievals) Calibration source/methods improvement Purchase of two new calibration lasers Purchase of 4 new Direct-Sun Spectrometers Purchase of 10 Avantes Optical Spectrometer Benches Purchase of 4 Hamamatsu Spectrometer Detector and Electronic Sets Purchase of new Ciemel Sunphotometer