2012 Best Year Ever First Team Meeting
What brought you Relay?
Lets get organized
Video: Team Development (3:33) ( osandvideos/videos/index?galleryNa me=Training)
Facts and Things to Share Team Captain Packet Bring to all meetings 2012 Goals – Raise $50,000 – Celebrate 55 Survivors – Recruit 20 American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network members (ACS CAN)
What makes a successful team? 15 team members – $100/each, $1500/team Set a fundraising goal You tell people how they can help – I am trying to raise $100 for the American Cancer Society through their signature event the Relay For Life. Can you donate $10 to help me reach my goal?
What happens when teams start fundraising early 3 Months before Relay Raise $2,095 on average 2 Months before Relay Raise $1,575 on average 1 Month before Relay Raise $924 on average Makes life easier
Relay Bucks Every participant can earn them Earn them at each meeting –Have someone from your team come to the meeting –Share your ideas and celebrations –Share your challenges Cash the in for prizes at the Wrap up Party on Wednesday, May 16 –prizes include great Relay Gear blanket, thumb drive, coffee mugs, and more
T-Shirts Participants who raise $100 earn free event t-shirt Help us with ordering – Only order one t-shirt for every $100 you expect to turn in by Bank Night. – T-shirts are picked up at Bank Night. – If you need more shirts, but haven’t yet qualified for them you can get them at each money drop at Relay. Complete and turn in t-shirt order form at next meeting. – In the front pocket of your Team Captain Kit
What’s Next Second Team Meeting –Communicate March 28 at 6:00 pm here Share your fundraising plan and goals Order t-shirts for your team We will share some logistics about Relay Fundraising Workshop –March 29, 6:30pm – 8:30pm, Civic Center Dr, Southfield Third Team Meeting –Support April 18 at 6:00 pm here Share your celebrations and challenges Go over final event day and bank night details
Mission Moment (4:17) ( osandvideos/videos/index?galleryNa me=Survivors and Caregivers)
Lets Celebrate you! Fundraising Level Achieved Get your cameras ready! At the next meeting we will start recognizing teams that reach these levels.
Parking Lot
Thank you for helping us raise $50,000 to fund the fight against all cancers